Jump to: .D64 Files
-- Demos
-- Holiday Music
Adventure Games
-- Commodore Links
Last updated on October 12, 2001
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If you don't already have an emulator then you can chose from several at: http://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/crossplatform/emulators/ - I prefer the C64S emulator myself, but CCS64 is a good one too.
FTP Downloading
and ftp://members.aol.com/b78455629g/qlink_holiday_music/
FTP locations sometimes change so be sure to bookmark this page!
Squirrel's Nest Disks
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #1 (140K) -- File listing and descriptions
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #2 (143K) -- File listing and descriptions
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #3 (146K) -- File listing and descriptions
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #4 (133K) -- File listing and descriptions
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #5 (131K) -- File listing and descriptions
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #6 (109K) -- File listing and descriptions
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #7 (138K) -- File listing and descriptions
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #8 (133K) -- File listing and descriptions
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #9 (113K) -- File listing and descriptions
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #10 (31K) -- File listing and descriptions
Squirrel's Nest Collection: Disk #11 (54K) -- File listing and descriptions
Promotional disks and full disk demos:
Cyber Video Demo (87K) - Animation and music.
Colleen Music Demo (30K) - 7 musical demos.
Hubbard Music Tracks 1, 2 and 3 (140K) - info file
Q-Link Independence Day Parade (72K)
11 SidPlayer (.mus) tunes with .PICs, some with WDS.
WEB version - Q-Link Independence Day Parade
Q-Link Halloween Treats (104K)
18 SidPlayer (.mus) tunes with .PICs, some with WDS.
WEB version - Q-Link Halloween Treats
Q-Link Christmas Album (94K)
24 SidPlayer (.mus) tunes with .PICs and .WDS.
WEB version - Q-Link Christmas Album
DARKWOOD (50K) - info file
Q-Link in Peril (25K) - info file
http://www.c64.com - Games archive. Over 2000 games.
http://www.c64.org - Information, mail lists.
http://www.c64.nu - ??? - Coming Soon
http://www.c64.net - ??? - Coming Soon
FUNET archive - WWW or FTP - All CBM systems.
The Ancient AOL Disk and Memorabilia Museum
The Digital Dungeon! - FTP - C64 Software
The LOADSTAR Home Page -- Software for the C64 and C128.
Creatures 2 - Torture Trouble - The Unofficial Homepage
The C64 Games WWW Page - "V" and "The Great Gianna Sisters"
The Great Commodore 64 Link Page! - Lots of Commodore links!
The Commodore 64 Page - Links and information.
The SIDPLAY Homepage - A music player and SID-chip emulator.
High Voltage SID Collection - Over 16,000 tunes!
COMPUTE! Gazette Sid Collection
Q-Link Sid Archives
Yahoo! Q-Link Club
Yahoo's Commodore 64 Category - Links
LookSmart's Commodore Category - Links
Commodore Computer Directory - Links
Cocosoft Solutions - Useful C64 / Amiga Links
The Front Door - Commodore/Amiga, information and links.
Giga Linkage! - Old computer links.
Classic Computers And Computer Emulation
- [Q-Link Holiday Music]
- [Q-Link]
[Q-Link Load Screens]
- [Club Caribe]
- [C64 Files]
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This page was created and is maintained by Jon Purkey -
([email protected])