While people who read the textfiles.com site might think that the world of g-files and text-only BBSes is dead and gone, there are actually many people who keep the faith, having information they want to see spread far and wide, and writing textfiles to get the word out. While the subjects are newer and the writing more internet-minded, the themes and forces touched upon in other files appear here as well, showing that the spirit is alive and thriving.
When BBSes were the way to get textfiles, you always shot over to the "Uploads" section to see what people had just added to the system, so you could get it first. That's where the name of this section comes from. In actuality, if you have a file you've just written you want to see up here, send mail to [email protected].
Note, by the way, that because ALL the new files are being put here, it's a bit of a mish-mash. Just like the old days!
As time is going on, people have donated files with the same bad ideas about drugs, vandalism and the ol' boom-boom; hopefully in a mere homage to files of old. Don't follow instructions you find in random textfiles on the internet; it just leads to tears.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
001.txt 2873 | Oiling, from Pyros The Leprechaun (August 31, 2001)
| 002.txt | 3244 | How to Make Smoke Bombs if You Don't Own a Mobile Laboratory, by Pyros The Leprechaun (August 31, 2001)
| 10trash.txt | 1713 | 10 Ways to Completely Trash Someone's Property, by Mantis (July, 2003)
| 123vbs.vir | 3988 | How to Make a VBS (Visual Basic Script) Virus by Sick66 (August 15, 2000)
| 1killerhigh.txt | 4788 | A California High, by Diabolus (November 27, 2001)
| 2001.txt | 349098 | Soren Greenwood's Conspiracy Theory to Explain all Other Conspiracy Theories (January 10, 2001)
| 20thviruses.txt | 22781 | The 20th Century: Computer Virus History, by Paranoidxe (April 21, 2004)
| 256sysclr.txt | 2180 | Adding 256 Colors to Systray, by ParanoidXE (2003)
| 2kboot.txt | 2728 | Replacing the Windows 2000 Boot Screen, by ParanoidXE (May 17, 2002)
| 2killerhigh.txt | 3607 | The New Jersey High, by Abstracted (November 28, 2001)
| 2ktips.txt | 97168 | Windows 2000 Tips and Tricks, by ParanoidXE (December 17, 2003)
| 2waymir.txt | 5009 | How to Make a Two-Way Mirror, by ZERO (October 14, 2001)
| 3scams.txt | 2639 | 3 Cool Scams by Dizzie (1999)
| 508752.txt | 5356 | The 508-852 Wardial Report, by NO CARRIER (December 25, 2002)
| 5steplockp.txt | 3401 | A 5 Step Guide to Making Lock Picks with Household Items, by Steve R. (July 21, 2006)
| 800326carrier.txt | 6839 | The 1-800-326-XXX Scan List, by NO CARRIER (March 26, 2003)
| 80040100xx.txt | 6003 | A Scan of 800-401-00xx by Jenn (2001)
| 80055500xx.txt | 6315 | A Scan of 1-800-555-00XX by Jenn (1997)
| 80055500xx2.txt | 6610 | A Scan of 800-555-00xx by Jenn (June 12, 2001)
| 919439scan.txt | 1988 | A Scan of 919-493-99xx by Against Me! (January 17, 2004)
| 98install.txt | 2956 | A Windows 98 Installation Guide by ParanoidXE (2003)
| 9satan.txt | 6179 | The Nine Satanic Statements and Sins (May, 2004)
| 9xtcpip.txt | 968 | Reinstalling TCP/IP under Windows 95/98, by ParanoidXE (April 12, 2003)
| ablabap.txt | 32190 | A Broad Look at American and British Phreaking, by DUO_PROS (Happy McSmith) (February, 2005)
| abortion.txt | 3814 | A Few Random Thoughts on Abortion (February, 2009)
| acbhistory.txt | 5339 | The History of the Internet's Anarchist Cookbook, by Zero (November 18, 2001)
| ad1100whack.txt | 11212 | The Apex AD1100W Region/MV Hack, by ParanoidXE (January 22, 2003)
| aer.txt | 769 | Fun With an Aerosol Can, Part 1 of Maybe 2, by Paco (April 2, 2004)
| airkaos.txt | 1744 | How to Make Airplane Rides Fun, by Sheer Black (July, 2003)
| alabamsonm.txt | 2473 | Alabama Son to Alabama Mother (Response to "Letter from Alabama Mom to Alabama Son") (June 23, 2009)
| alcohol.txt | 21622 | Homemade Alcohol Version 2 by Zero (June 22, 2011)
| amazingmemories.txt | 5070 | Amazing Memories, by Scott Morrow, from Maritime Computer Connections Magazine 9September, 1996)
| ammo.txt | 3417 | How to Properly Care for Ammo in South Africa, by Adamantium (February, 2000)
| anarchy.txt | 8560 | Cola Presents: Fred the Elite Hacker Versus Ronald McDonald (March 6, 2000)
| anarchytoday.txt | 1542 | Anarchy of Today, by Pyromania (October 10, 2004)
| anarchytruth.txt | 10188 | The Truth of Being an Anarchist: What All Should Know, by Unknwon (February 6, 2004)
| anarchyutopia.txt | 6969 | The Anarchist Utopia (May, 2004)
| anitrate.txt | 982 | Amonium Nitrate Noise Maker: by MaDDaX
| annoyneigh.txt | 1871 | Dealing with Annoying Neighbors, by Sweeper09 (August 25, 2009)
| anthrax.txt | 2601 | Anthrax Information, by SamDaMan (October 11, 2001)
| antiantimuslim.txt | 5848 | Anti AntiMuslims, by Jez Hunter (Stable Eyes) (January 16, 2006)
| antiavtech.txt | 11762 | Anti-AV Techniques for Batch by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
| antimuslims-redux.txt | 8634 | The Author of "Message to Muslums" writes in, years later. (May, 2014)
| antimuslims.txt | 5903 | Message for Muslims, an Anti-Muslim Rant by Mantis (Stan Walker) (July 24, 2003)
| antimuslimsrebut.txt | 2098 | Rebuttal to Antimuslims.txt: We are Not, by Scrolllock (August 24, 2004)
| antipiracy.txt | 9378 | Anti-Piracy Fixed by Real Internet People, by Pyromania (May, 2005)
| aodvol1.txt | 44282 | Anarchy or Death Volume 1 (March 1, 2014):w
| apple2gscracks.txt | 53158 | Apple IIgs Cracks by Brian A. Troha (February, 2014)
| apsara.txt | 398506 | Ouroboros: The Snake Eats Its Own Tail, or What Goes Around Comes Around, by Andy Thomas (2007)
| article1.txt | 6046 | How to Have Fun at Night (Anarchy Style) by Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
| article2.txt | 2295 | How to Make Napalm, by Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
| article3.txt | 2638 | How to Make a CO2 Bomb, by Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
| article4.txt | 1361 | Stay Out of My Way! by Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
| article5.txt | 2049 | Who the Hell is Shadow Wolf? By Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
| assassinate.txt | 8214 | The Handbook of Assassination v1.0 by Acidous (October 11, 2002)
| atschool.txt | 4968 | Just a Bit More Fun at School, by Avatar
| autofirebomb.txt | 4576 | Making an Autofire Bomb by Strych9 Milksheikh (May, 2005)
| autofirebomb2.txt | 4878 | The Revised Autofire Bomb, by Strych9 Milksheikh (July 1, 2005)
| autopsy.txt | 45461 | Autopy of Two Successful Intrusions, by Floydman (August 30, 2001)
| avoid.txt | 3265 | How to Avoid the Police in the UK, by TikTaq (April 4, 2001)
| avschoolfun.txt | 4938 | The Avatar Presents: Just a Bit More Fun At School (September 21, 2001)
| awesomepayloads.txt | 14284 | Awesome Batch Payloads by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
| badging.txt | 961 | Car Badges, by The Phantom of Cars (February, 2005)
| balloon.txt | 707 | Making a Magic Balloon, by Dizzie
| bannerhack.txt | 384 | Taking Banners Off of your Free Webpages, by 007 (February 20, 2002)
| barcode.txt | 2065 | The Bar Code Scam, by Insane Killa (July 7, 2003)
| barcodes.txt | 7528 | The Bar Codes, by Anonymous (Conspiracy) (March 10, 2000)
| basicviruses.txt | 16388 | The Basic Concepts of PC Viruses, by paranoidxe (April 22, 2004)
| bassguitar.txt | 4309 | A Simple Guide for Learning to Play Bass Guitar or Regular Guitar, by Beigebox (December 24, 2003)
| batch.txt | 3077 | Arrays in Batch Files by Jakash3 (December, 2009)
| batchirc.txt | 13781 | Batch IRC/Outlook Spreading by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
| batchmemory.txt | 14315 | Meanderings: Theory on Batch Memory Residency Techniques by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
| batchprank.txt | 566 | Batch File: The Batch Prank, by Cleptice (June 11, 2003)
| batchstartup.txt | 9158 | Tutorial: Batch Startup Techniques by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
| batchtheory.txt | 8636 | Meanderings: Theory on Batch Keylogging by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
| battleroyale.txt | 137844 | BATTLE ROYALE by Kenji Fukasaku: Translation of text from subtitles by Gregory Pietcsh (November, 2008)
| battleroyale2.txt | 144449 | BATTLE ROYALE by Kenji Fukasaku: Translation of text from subtitles by Gregory Pietcsh (March, 2009)
| batviri.txt | 4432 | How to Make a Bat Virus by SKK66
| batviri2.txt | 2554 | A Batch File Virus for Windows 9X/2000/ME/XP, by 007 (February 20, 2002)
| bbgun.txt | 4594 | A Homemade BBS Gun by Mearl Man (April, 2003)
| bbmhak.txt | 7173 | The Big Book of Modern Mischief by Hakka (February 9, 2003)
| bbsing.txt | 9480 | The Lost Art of BBSing, by Mob Boss (April 2000)
| bbslist.txt | 1607 | A Hacking/Phreaking BBS List, by Mob Boss (June 2000)
| bc-newsletter-1.txt | 14408 | |