Mobile Wetware Systems (MWS)

By Joshua Klessig

(BTW, for the dimwitted, this is fictional, so don�t go plugging your Walkman into your head)

Section One: The Neural Interface
     The most vital component to any MWS is the neural interface.  Your basic neural interface contains a cluster of six biochips embedded into the pia mater of the brain.  These chips are each dedicated to I/O of a specific sense with a sixth chip added to accept limited thought based command.
     The details of the biochip architecture have not been declassified yet.  What is currently known about the chips is that they are 98% silicon, but have a myelin shell.  The chips interface with their respective centers of the brain through a series of microscopic pits on the underbellies that promote dendrite integration.  The myelin sheath of the average biochip has a 40 year life-span before deterioration occurs, after this point it is recommended that the chips be removed, however this may interrupt some of the processes of the areas of the brain that have integrated with the chip.
    The biochips are interconnected by a myelin-sheathed wire that bundles and follows the brain stem down to the base of the neck where the external jack is located.  The neural jack is very similar to the jack found in your average headphone (in fact with the proper adapters one can plug their Walkman directly into their auditory system), however there is one major difference, the neural jack actually contains six separately insulated leads (one for each chip) that allow it to function as if it were six jacks.

Section Two: External Hardware
     First off is the headset.  One might initially ask why a headset would be needed when one has a neural interface, well the reason is because when using the visual/auditory features of the neural interface, there is a cut-off of the data received by the eyes and ears.  This is fine when sitting at a desk in cyberspace, but a person using a MWS requires steady access to normal sensory input.  The headset is lightweight, resembling a operator's headset; it has a one speaker for the left ear, and a pressure pad on the other side above the ear.  Coming off of the left speaker are two apparatuses that resemble microphones, one of which is.  The other, slightly longer one, is the laser projector that displays the 3D computer data onto a special pair of glasses that one must also wear with the setup.  The headset is plugged into the external processor.
     The next piece of hardware is the above-mentioned external processor, like the system box to a desktop computer.  This is a very important component to any wetware system.  The average processor has a storage capacity of 200GB active RAM.  It is about twice the size of a pager and can be easily clipped onto one's pocket.  There are five jacks on it for the connection of external devices such as the above-mentioned headset.  Hanging off the processor it a series of color-coded plugs (resembling headphone plugs) for interfacing with stationary devices and data cartridges.   The yellow plug connects into the neural jack, the red one plugs into private terminals, the green plug is for public terminals, the blue plug is for use by government personnel only, and the black plug interfaces with data cartridges.

Section Three: The GUI
     Most MWSs come standard with the MWS-GUI2056 interface.  Like it's ancient predecessor, Windows 2000, it's source code became public domain from the Free Source Code Act of 2008 and reached full perfection before the Free Source Code Act was declared unconstitutional on the grounds of the 2053 Amendment.
     The interface consists of the newly perfected virtual keyboard that is translucently projected into your visual field and given tactile parameters via the neural jack, also a motor function cut-off increases the keyboard�s realism by giving it virtual solidity.  Also in the visual field is the main screen that contains a few program icons and is the main display when in mobile mode.
     Using the thought controlled mouse cursor, the icons for File Management and General Options can be accessed along with the GUI Visual Overlay ON/OFF mental switch.  New icons appear when the external processor is connected to external devices and terminals.
     The General Options controls all the options involved with the GUI such as multimedia settings, the translucence of the GUI, and other internal workings.  The File Management program is much like those on any other computer running an Edge Inc. GUI.  The GUI also has pre-loading programs built in for when the external processor is plugged into a public terminal, telephone, ATM machine, map station, or other public service device.

Section Four: Conclusion
     As neural jacks and MWS hardware continues to become cheaper and more available to the open market, more and more everyday uses for them will emerge.  Already national and state parks have installed map station interfaces all around the parks so that tourists can download and interactive map of each park.  While the prospects for educational uses are limited because of the 18 year old brain development requirement imposed on neural interfaces, teachers are now being issued free MWS packages to better share knowledge and prepare for classes.
     Currently 1 in 100 households have a member of their immediate family who owns an MWS.  It is projected that by 2100, after prices go down and less evasive surgery is required, that figure will rise to 1 in 10 and soon after replace the hyperterminal.


1.) Cytel MWS Owners Manual, Cytel Inc.  Pages 23-109
 Central Library Address: BOOK-CYTEL39A82BU3H975N97

2.) Neural Interfaces: An Introduction, Professor Price.
 Central Library Address: ESSAY-PRICE383B39HHI39306H

3.) intaCOMP Mobil VR Headset Owners Manual, intaCOMP Corp.  Pages 33-78
 Central Library Address: BOOK-INTACOMP375G376F35TY398N

4.) MWS-GUI2056 Guide, Edge Interfacecs Inc.
 Central Library Address: PAMPHLET-EDGE839U36S84MO94Y8