.:: noteboard ::: forum ::.

[CYBERPUNK FICTION] :: cyberpunk :: ��������� :: fallout :: nonfiction ::
[CYBERPUNK IZ NOW!] :: CiN :: digital art :: sound :: citysoul :: cyberheathen ::.


http://cyb3rz3n.narod.ru - Cyb3rz3n. Cyberpunk, Security, Evolution. by ALiEN Assault
http://kostapc.narod.ru - Cyberpunk as a lifestyle. ����� � �����. by KostaPC
http://ust49406.h10.ru - UnStandarT [49406] Information Zone
http://project.cyberpunk.ru - The Cyberpunk Project.
http://www.nearphuture.org/ - ALX
http://www.bitstreamnet.com/projectjericho/ - Cyberpunk: Project Jericho. Joshua Klessig.
http://vc-world.net - VirtualCity Project
http://top100.cyberpunk.co.uk/ - Cyberpunk TOP 100
http://www.williamgibsonbooks.com/ - William Gibson. Official Website
http://www.antonraubenweiss.com/gibson - William Gibson aleph - essential information collection
http://www.spedro.com/ - Bruce Bethke
http://www.well.com/conf/mirrorshades/ - Mirrorshades Postmodern Archive. Bruce Sterling
http://gregegan.customer.netspace.net.au/ - Greg Egan
http://www.darkecho.com/JohnShirley/ - John Shirley
http://www.themodernword.com/pynchon/ - Thomas R. Pynchon
http://www.mathcs.sjsu.edu/faculty/rucker/ - Rudy Rucker
http://www.jeffnoon.com - Jeff Noon
http://www.nvkz.kuzbass.net/x/life - X-Life

��������� / e-Zines

http://www.republika.pl/cybercore/ - CyberCore - �������� ��������� ������.
http://www.x25zine.org/ - X25 Zine
http://www.phrack.org - Phrack
http://www.wired.com - WIRED
http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/pmc/contents.all.html - Postmodern Culture.

������� / Communitz

talk.ru.cyberpunk - mail.ru forum
talk.ru.cclub - mail.ru forum

Urban Exploration

http://urbantrip.ru - Industrial foto
http://www.abandoned-places.com - ;)
http://www.infiltration.org - Online companion of the paper zine about going places you're not supposed to go.

http://acis.org.ua - ACIS - ���� ��������
http://www.diggers.ru - ������� ���
http://digger.kiev.ua - NoName Digger Crew Kiev
http://www.dng.kiev.ua - Diggers Nonformal Group
http://diggers.minsk.com - C��� ������� ��������
http://www.vtc.ru/~vladdig - ��������������� ������-����
http://digzone.host.sk - DIGzone. ���� Zend0r'a
http://gugno.diggers.ru - GUGNO DIGGERS

http://www.tracers.ru - parkour and buildering - urban eXtreme
http://www.urbanfreeflow.com - The worlds biggest and most active parkour - freerun network bar none!
http://freeeway.narod.ru - ������� "Freeway"
http://yamakasirusse.narod.ru - Russian Yamakasi Parkour Team
http://www.siberian.tracers.ru - ��������� ��������
http://www.aclictika.tracers.ru - Russian Parkour Team Aclictika

�������������, ������������� / Transhumanism, Singularity

http://transhumanism.ru - ���������� �������������������� ��������
http://www.singularity.org - ;)
http://www.kurzweilai.net - !
http://singularitywatch.com - Singularity Watch (Understanding Accelerating Change)
http://singinst.org - Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence
http://www.extropy.org - Extropy Institute
http://www.transhumanism.org - World Transhumanist Association

�����, �����, ������� / Anime, Manga, Cosplay

http://www.anime-source.com - Anime reviews, manga, news, games, new Anime, fanart, screenshots
http://animeresearch.com - Anime, Manga, and Japanese Popular Culture Research Homepage
http://www.corneredangel.com/amwess/ - Anime/Manga Web Essay Archive
http://www.cyberia-anime.com - home of the CyberiaCafe
http://cosplay.com - the internet's premier cosplay community
http://anime.ru - ;)
http://lain.ru - ���� �������� �����-������� serial experiments lain
http://shounen.ru - !
http://www.animemanga.ru - ����� � ����� � ������
http://anime.org.ua - ��� �������� ��������. ����� �� �������
http://chipchap.anime.org.ua - �������� ��������� Chip-a �� NGD
http://www.crystalpower.org - Ukrainian Fan Club of Anime and Manga Crystal Power
http://www.naga.kiev.ua - ������������� �����
http://hinata.ru - Hinata Team
http://anime.7wolf.net - ������� ����� � �����, ������� �� ������, ���������� �� ��������� ��������, etc
http://anime.dvdspecial.ru - ����� � ����� ������
http://www.kawaii.ru - �����
http://ranma.anime.ru - ���������� ���� ��������� �������� ��������
http://cosplay.otaku.ru - Russian Anime Cosplay Forum
http://www.j-rockcosplay.narod.ru - Russian JROCK cosplay page

������ / Misc

http://oioioi.ru - punk, oi!, ska music.
http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/cypherpunks/ - The Cypherpunks Home Page
http://www.ntpo.com/invention/ - �������� ���������� � ������������� ����������� ������ �������
http://lainos.sourceforge.net/ - Official Home Page of The LainOS Project.
http://www.zaraz.org - �������� ������ ����������� ���������
http://www.kevinwarwick.org - Kevin Warwick
http://www.roboclub.ru - ������������ �������������
http://genetic-programming.org - Genetic programming and genetic and evolutionary computation

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