time the investment was too great to be sacrificed, and in any case, forward projections of increased demand for telephone service indicated that within a phew years a time would come when, without the quantum leap in speed and flexibility that electronic switching would provide, the national network would be unable to meet the demand. In November 1963, an all-electronic switching system went into use at the Brown Engineering Company at Cocoa Beach, Florida. But this was a small installation, essentially another test installation, serving only a single company. Kappel's tone on the subject in the 1964 annual report was, for him, an almost apologetic: "Electronic switching equipment must be manufactured in volume to unprecedented standards of reliability.... To turn out the equipment economically and with good speed, mass production methods must be developed; but, at the same time, there can be no loss of precision..." Another year and millions of dollars later, on May 30, 1965, the first commercial electric central office was put into service at Succasunna, New Jersey. Page 62 The Official Phreaker's Manual Even at Succasunna, only 200 of the town's 4,300 subscribers initially had the benefit of electronic switching's added speed and additional services, such as provision for three party conversations and automatic transfer of incoming calls. But after that, ESS was on its way. In January 1966, the second commercial installation, this one serving 2,900 telephones, went into service in Chase, Maryland. By the end of 1967 there were additional ESS offices in California, Connecticut, Minnesota, Georgia, New York, Florida, and Pennsylvania; by the end of 1970 there were 120 offices serving 1.8 million customers; and by 1974 there were 475 offices serving 5.6 million customers. The difference between conventional switching and electronic switching is the difference between "hardware" and "software"; in the former case, maintenance is done on the spot, with screwdriver and pliers, while in the case of electronic switching, it can be done remotely, by computer, from a central point, making it possible to have only one or two technicians on duty at a time at each switching center. The development program, when the final figures were added up, was found to have required a staggering four thousand man-years of work at Bell Labs and to have cost not $45 million but $500 million! Page 63 The Official Phreaker's Manual $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ THE HISTORY OF BRITISH PHREAKING $ $ -=- -=-=-=- -- -=-=-=- -=-=-=-=- $ $ $ $ THE SECOND IN A SERIES OF $ $ THE HISTORY OF.....PHILES $ $ $ $ WRITTEN AND UPLOADED BY: $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$-=>LEX LUTHOR<=-$$$$$$$$$$$ $ AND $ $ THE LEGION OF DOOM! $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ NOTE: THE BRITISH POST OFFICE, IS THE U.S. EQUIVALENT OF MA BELL. IN BRITAIN, PHREAKING GOES BACK TO THE EARLY FIFTIES, WHEN THE TECHNIQUE OF 'TOLL A DROP BACK' WAS DISCOVERED. TOLL A WAS AN EXCHANGE NEAR ST. PAULS WHICH ROUTED CALLS BETWEEN LONDON AND NEARBY NON-LONDON EXCHANGES. THE TRICK WAS TO DIAL AN UNALLOCATED NUMBER, AND THEN DEPRESS THE RECEIVER-REST FOR 1/2 SECOND. THIS FLASHING INITIATED THE 'CLEAR FORWARD' SIGNAL, LEAVING THE CALLER WITH AN OPEN LINE INTO THE TOLL A EXCHANGE.THE COULD THEN DIAL 018, WHICH FORWARDED HIM TO THE TRUNK EXCHANGE AT THAT TIME, THE FIRST LONG DISTANCE EXCHANGE IN BRITAIN AND FOLLOW IT WITH THE CODE FOR THE DISTANT EXCHANGE TO WHICH HE WOULD BE CONNECTED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. THE SIGNALS NEEDED TO CONTROL THE UK NETWORK TODAY WERE PUBLISHED IN THE "INSTITUTION OF POST OFFICE ENGINEERS JOURNAL" AND REPRINTED IN THE SUNDAY TIMES (15 OCT. 1972). THE SIGNALLING SYSTEM THEY USE: SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 3 USES PAIRS OF FREQUENCIES SELECTED FROM 6 TONES SEPARATED BY 120HZ. WITH THAT INFO, THE PHREAKS MADE "BLEEPERS" OR AS THEY ARE CALLED HERE IN THE U.S. "BLUE BOX", BUT THEY DO UTILIZE DIFFERENT MF TONES THEN THE U.S., THUS, YOUR U.S. BLUE BOX THAT YOU SMUGGLED INTO THE UK WILL NOT WORK, UNLESS YOU CHANGE THE FREQUENCIES. IN THE EARLY SEVENTIES, A SIMPLER SYSTEM BASED ON DIFFERENT NUMBERS OF PULSES WITH THE SAME FREQUENCY (2280HZ) WAS USED. FOR MORE INFO ON THAT, TRY TO GET A HOLD OF: ATKINSON'S "TELEPHONY AND SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY". IN THE EARLY DAYS OF BRITISH PHREAKING, THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY TITAN COMPUTER WAS USED TO RECORD AND CIRCULATE NUMBERS FOUND BY THE EXHAUSTIVE DIALING OF LOCAL NETWORKS. THESE NUMBERS WERE USED TO CREATE A CHAIN OF LINKS FROM LOCAL EXCHANGE TO LOCAL EXCHANGE ACROSS THE COUNTRY, BYPASSING THE TRUNK CIRCUITS. BECAUSE THE INTERNAL ROUTING CODES IN THE UK NETWORK ARE NOT THE SAME AS THOSE DIALED BY THE CALLER, THE PHREAKS HAD TO DISCOVER THEM BY 'PROBE AND LISTEN' TECHNIQUES OR MORE COMMONLY KNOWN IN THE U.S.-- SCANNING. WHAT THEY DID WAS PUT IN LIKELY SIGNALS AND LISTENED TO FIND OUT IF THEY SUCCEEDED. THE RESULTS OF SCANNING WERE CIRCULATED TO OTHER PHREAKS. DISCOVERING EACH OTHER TOOK TIME AT FIRST, BUT EVENTUALLY THE PHREAKS BECAME ORGANIZED. THE "TAP" OF BRITAIN WAS CALLED "UNDERCURRENTS" WHICH ENABLED BRITISH PHREAKS TO SHARE THE INFO ON NEW NUMBERS, EQUIPMENT ETC. TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE BRITISH BRITISH PHREAKS DID, THINK OF THE PHONE NETWORK IN THREE LAYERS OF LINES: LOCAL, TRUNK, AND INTERNATIONAL.#IN THE UK, SUBSCRIBER TRUNK DIALING (STD), IS THE MECHANISM WHICH TAKES A CALL FROM THE Page 64 The Official Phreaker's Manual LOCAL LINES AND (LEGITIMATELY) ELEVATES IT TO A TRUNK OR INTERNATIONAL LEVEL.#THE UK PHREAKS FIGURED THAT A CALL AT TRUNK LEVEL CAN BE ROUTED THROUGH ANY NUMBER OF EXCHANGES, PROVIDED THAT THE RIGHT ROUTING CODES WERE FOUND AND USED CORRECTLY. THEY ALSO HAD TO DISCOVER HOW TO GET FROM LOCAL TO TRUNK LEVEL EITHER WITHOUT BEING CHARGED (WHICH THEY DID WITH A BLEEPER BOX) OR WITHOUT USING (STD). CHAINING HAS ALREADY BEEN MENTIONED BUT IT REQUIRES LONG STRINGS OF DIGITS AND SPEECH GETS MORE AND MORE FAINT AS THE CHAIN GROWS, JUST LIKE IT DOES WHEN YOU STACK TRUNKS BACK AND FORTH ACROSS THE U.S.#THE WAY THE SECURITY REPS SNAGGED THE PHREAKS WAS TO PUT A SIMPLE 'PRINTERMETER' OR AS WE CALL IT: A PEN REGISTER ON THE SUSPECTS LINE, WHICH SHOWS EVERY DIGIT DIALED FROM THE SUBSCRIBERS LINE. THE BRITISH PREFER TO GET ONTO THE TRUNKS RATHER THAN CHAINING. ONE WAY WAS TO DISCOVER WHERE LOCAL CALLS USE THE TRUNKS BETWEEN NEIGHBORING EXCHANGES, START A CALL AND STAY ON THE TRUNK INSTEAD OF RETURNING TO THE LOCAL LEVEL ON REACHING THE DISTANT SWITCH. THIS AGAIN REQUIRED EXHAUSTIVE DIALING AND MADE MORE WORK FOR TITAN; IT ALSO REVEALED 'FIDDLES', WHICH WERE INSERTED BY POST OFFICE ENGINEERS. WHAT FIDDLING MEANS IS THAT THE ENGINEERS REWIRED THE EXCHANGES FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT. THE EQUIPMENT IS MODIFIED TO GIVE ACCESS TO A TRUNK WITH OUT BEING CHARGED, AN OPERATION WHICH IS PRETTY EASY IN STEP BY STEP (SXS) ELECTROMECHANICAL EXCHANGES, WHICH WERE INSTALLED IN BRITAIN EVEN IN THE 1970S (NOTE: I KNOW OF A BACK DOOR INTO THE CANADIAN SYSTEM ON A 4A CO., SO IF YOU ARE ON SXS OR A 4A, TRY SCANNING 3 DIGIT EXCHANGES, IE: DIAL 999,998,997 ETC.#AND LISTEN FOR THE BEEP-KERCHINK, IF THERE ARE NO 3 DIGIT CODES WHICH ALLOW DIRECT ACCESS TO A TANDEM IN YOUR LOCAL EXCHANGE AND BYPASSES THE AMA SO YOU WON'T BE BILLED, NOT HAVE TO BLAST 2600 EVERY TIME YOU WISH TO BOX A CALL. A FAMOUS BRITISH 'FIDDLER' REVEALED IN THE EARLY 1970S WORKED BY DIALING 173. THE CALLER THEN ADDED THE TRUNK CODE OF 1 AND THE SUBSCRIBERS LOCAL NUMBER. AT THAT TIME, MOST ENGINEERING TEST SERVICES BEGAN WITH 17X, SO THE ENGINEERS COULD HIDE THEIR FIDDLES IN THE NEST OF SERVICE WIRES. WHEN SECURITY REPS STARTED SEARCHING, THE FIDDLES WERE CONCEALED BY TONES SIGNALLING: 'NUMBER UNOBTAINALBE' OR 'EQUIPMENT ENGAGED' WHICH SWITCHED OFF AFTER A DELAY. THE NECESSARY RELAYS ARE SMALL AND EASILY HIDDEN. THERE WAS ANOTHER SIDE TO PHREAKING IN THE UK IN THE SIXTIES. BEFORE STD WAS WIDESPREAD, MANY 'ORDINARY' PEOPLE WERE DRIVEN TO. OCCASIONAL PHREAKING FROM SHEER FRUSTRATION AT THE INEFFICIENT OPERATOR CONTROLLED TRUNK SYSTEM. THIS CAME TO A HEAD DURING A STRIKE ABOUT 1961 WHEN OPERATORS COULD NOT BE REACHED. NOTHING COMPLICATED WAS NEEDED. MANY OPERATORS HAD BEEN IN THE HABIT OF REPEATING THE CODES AS THEY DIALLED THE REQUESTED NUMBERS SO PEOPLE SOON LEARNT THE NUMBERS THEY CALLED FREQUENTLY. THE ONLY 'TRICK' WAS TO KNOW WHICH EXCHANGES COULD BE DIALLED THROUGH TO PASS ON THE TRUNK NUMBER.CALLERS ALSO NEEDED A PRETTY QUIET PLACE TO DO IT, SINCE TIMING RELATIVE TO CLICKS WAS IMPORTANT THE MOST FAMOUS TRIAL OF BRITISH PHREAKS WAS CALLED THE OLD BAILY TRIAL.#WHICH STARTED ON 3 OCT. 1973.#WHAT THEY PHREAKS DID WAS TO DIAL A SPARE NUMBER AT A LOCAL CALL RATE BUT INVOLVING A TRUNK TO ANOTHER EXCHANGE THEN THEY SEND A 'CLEAR FORWARD' TO THEIR LOCAL EXCHANGE, INDICATING TO IT THAT THE CALL IS FINISHED;BUT THE DISTANT EXCHANGE DOESN'T REALIZE BECAUSE THE CALLER'S PHONE IS STILL OFF THE HOOK. THEY NOW HAVE AN OPEN LINE INTO THE DISTANT TRUNK EXCHANGE AND SENDS TO IT A 'SEIZE' SIGNAL: '1' WHICH PUTS HIM ONTO ITS OUTGOING LINES NOW, IF THEY KNOW THE CODES, THE WORLD IS OPEN TO THEM. ALL OTHER EXCHANGES TRUST HIS LOCAL EXCHANGE TO HANDLE THE BILLING; THEY JUST INTERPRET THE TONES THEY HEAR. MEAN WHILE, THE LOCAL EXCHANGE COLLECTS ONLY FOR A LOCAL CALL. THE INVESTIGATORS Page 65 The Official Phreaker's Manual DISCOVERED THE PHREAKS HOLDING A CONFERENCE SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND SURROUNDED BY VARIOUS PHONE EQUIPMENT AND BLEEPER BOXES, ALSO PRINTOUTS LISTING 'SECRET' POST OFFICE CODES. (THEY PROBABLY GOT THEM FROM TRASHING?) THE JUDGE SAID: "SOME TAKE TO HEROIN, SOME TAKE TO TELEPHONES" FOR THEM PHONE PHREAKING WAS NOT A CRIME BUT A HOBBY TO BE SHARED WITH PHELLOW ENTHUSIASTS AND DISCUSSED WITH THE POST OFFICE OPENLY OVER DINNER AND BY MAIL. THEIR APPROACH AND ATTITUDE TO THE WORLDS LARGEST COMPUTER, THE GLOBAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM, WAS THAT OF SCIENTISTS CONDUCTING EXPERIMENTS OR PROGRAMMERS AND ENGINEERS TESTING PROGRAMS AND SYSTEMS. THE JUDGE APPEARED TO AGREE, AND EVEN ASKED THEM FOR PHREAKING CODES TO USE FROM HIS LOCAL EXCHANGE!!! # $-THE END-$ Page 66 The Official Phreaker's Manual Bad as Shit Recently, a telephone fanatic in the northwest made an interesting discovery. He was exploring the 804 area code (Virginia) and found out that the 840 exchange did something strange. In the vast majority of cases, in fact in all of the cases except one, he would get a recording as if the exchange didn't exist. However, if he dialed 804-840 and four rather predictable numbers, he got a ring! After one or two rings, somebody picked up. Being experienced at this kind of thing, he could tell that the call didn't "supe", that is, no charges were being incurred for calling this number. (Calls that get you to an error message, or a special operator, generally don't supervise.) A female voice, with a hint of a Southern accent said, "Operator, can I help you?" "Yes," he said, "What number have I reached?" "What number did you dial, sir?" He made up a number that was similar. "I'm sorry that is not the number you reached." Click. He was fascinated. What in the world was this? He knew he was going to call back, but before he did, he tried some more experiments. He tried the 840 exchange in several other area codes. In some, it came up as a valid exchange. In others, exactly the same thing happened -- the same last four digits, the same Southern belle. Oddly enough, he later noticed, the areas worked in seemed to travel in a beeline from Washington DC to Pittsburgh, PA. He called back from a payphone. "Operator, can I help you?" "Yes, this is the phone company. I'm testing this line and we don't seem to have an identification on your circuit. What office is this, please?" "What number are you trying to reach?" "I'm not trying to reach any number. I'm trying to identify this circuit." "I'm sorry, I can't help you." "Ma'am, if I don't get an ID on this line, I'll have to disconnect it. We show no record of it here." "Hold on a moment, sir." After about a minute, she came back. "Sir, I can have someone speak to you. Would you give me your number, please?" He had anticipated this and he had the payphone number ready. After he gave it, she said, "Mr. XXX will get right back to you." "Thanks." He hung up the phone. It rang. INSTANTLY! "Oh my God," he thought, "They weren't asking for my number -- they were confirming it!" "Hello," he said, trying to sound authoritative. Page 67 The Official Phreaker's Manual "This is Mr. XXX. Did you just make an inquiry to my office concerning a phone number?" "Yes. I need an identi--" "What you need is advice. Don't ever call that number again. Forget you ever knew it." At this point our friend got so nervous he just hung up. He expected to hear the phone ring again but it didn't. Over the next few days he racked his brains trying to figure out what the number was. He knew it was something big -- that was pretty certain at this point. It was so big that the number was programmed into every central office in the country. He knew this because if he tried to dial any other number in that exchange, he'd get a local error message from his CO, as if the exchange didn't exist. It finally came to him. He had an uncle who worked in a federal agency. He had a feeling that this was government related and if it was, his uncle could probably find out what it was. He asked the next day and his uncle promised to look into the matter. The next time he saw his uncle, he noticed a big change in his manner. He was trembling. "Where did you get that number?!" he shouted. "Do you know I almost got fired for asking about it?!? They kept wanting to know where I got it." Our friend couldn't contain his excitement. "What is it?" he pleaded. "What's the number?!" "IT'S THE PRESIDENT'S BOMB SHELTER!" He never called the number after that. He knew that he could probably cause quite a bit of excitement by calling the number and saying something like, "The weather's not good in Washington. We're coming over for a visit." But our friend was smart. he knew that there were some things that were better off unsaid and undone. <> Page 68 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 3 This chapter is really just a bunch of FACS (pun intended). Here is where random facts that really have something to do with everything else but nothing to do with anything else, are presented. They cover various topics such as: Conferencing, Tracing, Pen registers, Calling cards, and some basic FMF (Fool the Mother Fuckers). The aspects covered here are very brief and could easily be covered much more thoroughly, but it is no problem since they are not very important topics. Something that would make a very nice gift is covered in the article AT&T forgery. Just make up stationary with AT&T letter head and give it as a present to your phriends who would appreciate it. Page 69 The Official Phreaker's Manual Phreaking COSMOS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COSMOS is Bell's computer for handling information on customer lines, special services on lines, and orders to change line equipment, disconnect lines, etc. COSMOS stands for Computerized System for Mainframe Operations. It is based on the UNIX operating system and, depending upon the COSMOS and upon your access, has some, many, or no UNIX standard commands. COSMOS is powerful, but there is no reason to be afraid of it. This article will give some of the basic, pertinent info on how users get in, account format, and a few other goodies. Password Identification =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To get onto COSMOS you need a dialup, account, password, and wire center (WC). Wire centers are two letter codes that tell what section of the COSMOS you are in. There are different WC's f or different areas and groups of exchanges. Examples are PB, SR, LK, et c. Sometimes there are accounts that have no password; obviously such accounts are the easiest to hack. Checking It Out =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Let's suppose you have a COSMOS number which you obtained one way or another. The first thing to do would be to make sure it is really a COSMOS system, not some other Bell or AT&T computer. To do this, you would call it and connect your modem,, then hit some returns until you got a response. It should say: ';LOGIN:' or 'NAME:'. If you enter some garbage it should say: 'PASSWORD:'. If you hit a return and it says 'WC?', it is a COSMOS system. If it says something like 'TA%' then you're in business. If it doesn't do any of the above, then it is either some other kind of system, or, if you're not getting anything at all, the dialup has probably gone bad. Getting In =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COSMOS has certain accounts that are usually on the system, one of which might not have a password. They consist of ROOT (most powerful and almost always on the system), SYS (second most powerful, still many privileges), BIN (a little less power), PREOP (a little less), and COSMOS (hardly any privileges, like a normal user). The way to tell if they have passwords is by entering accounts at the ';LOGIN:' or ' NAME:' prompt, and if it jumps straight to 'WC?', all you need is a WC to get in. But suppose all of the accounts have passwords? You have two choices. You can try to hack the password and WC to one of the above accounts. I won't deal with this method, as is self-explanatory. Or you can do something I find much easier...call the COSMOS during business hours and hope that someone forgot to log off. Keep calling until when you connect and hit return until you get a 'WC%' prompt. 'WC' is the WC that the account you found is currently in. You are now in! What to Do while on-line =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Page 70 The Official Phreaker's Manual The first thing you want to do is write down the WC you are in. Only on our first login it is a good idea to print everything or dump everything to a buffer. Commands =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 'WCFLDS'(!) : Should list all WC's. 'WHO' : Should print everyone currently logged on the system, giving some accounts. 'TTY' : Tells what terminal port you are on. 'WHERE' : Should tell the location of the COSMOS installation. 'WHAT' : Tells what version of COSNIX, COSMOS's operating system, it is. 'LS *' : Prints all the files you have access to. 'CD /dir' : Connects you to the directory '/dir'. 'CAT filename ' : Prints the file 'filename'. 'Q' : Quits the editor. CTRL- Y. : Logs off 'TAT' : Sometimes prints a little help file. 'ISH' : Check someone's telefone #, type 'ISH' at the COSMOS 'WC%' prompt. Then type. 'HTN XXX-XXXX' : (Hunt Telephone Number) to tell you about the local number you are interested in. 'CAT /ETC/PASSWD': Prints out the password file, if you have access. The passwords are almost always encrypted, but you get a list of all the accounts. If you are lucky, one of the lines will have two colons after the account name. This means there is no prompt from the ';LOGIN:' or 'NAME:' prompts when you enter that account. To run a file just type the name followed by a return. When the system gives you a '-', you type a '.', and it will type all kinds of info on the phone number you entered (in Bell abbreviations, of course). If it is not a good exchange, it will say something to that effect. You type a period to end the ISH. If you wish to learn more information about COSMOS, find yourself a COSMOS manual or look at future issues of 2600. A UNIX manual would also be helpful for standard UNIX commands. Page 71 The Official Phreaker's Manual FACS FACTS A LOOK AT THE NEW FACS SYSTEMS BY SHARP RAZOR BELL ATLANTIC (AND PROBABLY THE REST OF THE U.S. SOON ENOUGH) IS REVAMPING COSMOS. THE PROJECT IS CALLED FACS (FACILITATED ASSIGNMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEM).FACS IS COMPOSED OF 5 MODULES WHICH ARE DESIGNED TO FUNCTION AS A UNIFIED SYSTEM. THE PREMIS AND THE COSMOS SYSTEMS CAN FUNCTION AS ST AND-ALONE SYSTEMS.THE FIVE PARTS OF FACS ARE PREMIS,SOAC, LFACS,COSMOS,AND THE WM. THE PREMIS (PREMISES INFORMATION SYSTEM) SUPPORTS BOTH RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS ACCOUNTS. PREMIS IS USED FOR VARIOUS INQUIRIES FOR THE STREET ADDRESS GUIDE(SAG),IE::PHONE NUMBERS,BILLING CHARGES,CREDIT,ETC. THE SECOND PART OF FACS IS THE SOAC(SERVICE ORDER ANALYSIS AND CONTROL). THIS IS PRIMARILY USED TO INPUT SERVICE ORDER DATA INTO FACS, AND TO GET THE APPROPRIATE OUTPUT. SOAC INTERPRETS, VALIDATES,AND DECOMPOSES ALL INPUTED DATA AND SENDS THE INFO TO THE COSMOS AND THE LFACS SYSTEMS. THE THIRD PART OF THE SYSTEM IS LFACS(LOOP FACILITIES AND CONTROL SYSTEM). THIS IS THE COMPONENT OF FACS THAT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE INVENTORY,DOING THE ASSIGNMENTS, ADMINISTRATING INQUIRIES AND REPORTS, AND IS THE INVENTORY TRANSFORMATION CENTER. THIS PART OF FACS WILL BE MOSTLY USED FOR AIDING THE AT&T LINEMEN. THE COSMOS SYSTEM(COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR MAINFRAME OPERATIONS) COMPRISES THE FOURTH PART OF THE FACS SYSTEM. COSMOS IS THE COMPONENT OF FACS THAT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE MECHANIZED INVENTORY OF MDF FACILITIES,STORING CUSTOM CALL FEATURES(IE:SPEED DIALING NUMBERS),AND OTHER MISC. INFO. THE FIFTH AND LAST PIECE OF THE FACS SYSTEM IS THE WORK MANAGER (WM). HIS COMPONENT SERVES AS THE FRONT-END PROCESSOR FOR COSMOS. IT ENABLES A NUMBER OF COSMOS COMPUTERS TO RELIABLY COMMUNICATE WITH THE OTHER FACS COMPONENTS. WM SERVES AS THE MESSAGES SWITCHING SYSTEM FOR THE FACS PIECES, AND GENERALLY IS THE "MESSENGER AND STABILIZER" OF THE SYSTEM. THE HARDWARE THAT WILL RUN THIS FACS SYSTEM IS: COSMOS: 22-WECO. 3B-20S MINI COMPS. WM: 6-WECO. 3B-20S MINI COMPS. SOAC-LFACS-PREMIS: TWO SPERRY UNIVAC 1100/92 MAINFRAMES. BANCS 2 THP CYBER 1000 PROCESSORS. THE FACS SYSTEM IS STARTING UP AT THIS VERY MOMENT. THIS IS BASICALLY A BROAD VIEW OF THE FACS SYSTEM. AT&T SEEMS TO THINK THAT FACS WILL BE MORE EFFICIENT,SAVE THEM MONEY IN THE LONG RUN, AND SAVE THEM WORKERS(HERE COME SOME MASSIVE LAYOFFS!) WHAT THIS MEANS TO PHREAKERS AND HACKERS IS THAT YOU WILL NOW HAVE AT LEAST FIVE DIAL-UPS IN AN AREA CODE WITH WHICH YOU CAN PHUCK WITH AT&T! ..LATER.. ..SHARP RAZOR>> THE LEGION OF DOOM! (NOTE: THE FACS SYSTEM HAS RECENTLY BEEN PUT INTO OPERATION(SUMMER 84) IN ST.LOUIS MISSOURI) Page 72 The Official Phreaker's Manual Telenet It seems that not many of you know that Telenet is connected to about 80 computer-networks in the world. No, I don't mean 80 nodes, but 80 networks with thousands of unprotected computers. When you call your local Telenet- gateway, you can only call those computers which accept reverse-charging- calls. If you want to call computers in foreign countries or computers in USA which do not accept R-calls, you need a Telenet-ID. Did you ever notice that you can type ID XXXX when being connected to Telenet? You are then asked for the password. If you have such a NUI (Network-User-ID) you can call nearly every host connected to any computer-network in the world. Here are some examples: 026245400090184 :Is a VAX in Germany (Username: DATEXP and leave mail for CHRIS !!!) 0311050500061 :Is the Los Alamos Integrated computing network (One of the hosts connected to it is the DNA (Defense Nuclear Agency)!!!) 0530197000016 :Is a BBS in New Zealand 024050256 :Is the S-E-Bank in Stockholm, Sweden (Login as GAMES !!!) 02284681140541 :CERN in Geneva in Switzerland (one of the biggest nuclear research centers in the world) Login as GUEST 0234212301161 :A Videotex-standard system. Type OPTEL to get in and use the ID 999_ with the password 9_ 0242211000001 :University of Oslo in Norway (Type LOGIN 17,17 to play the Multi-User-Dungeon !) 0425130000215 :Something like ITT Dialcom, but this one is in Israel ! ID HELP with password HELP works fine with security level 3 0310600584401 :Is the Washington Post News Service via Tymnet (Yes, Tymnet is connected to Telenet, too !) ID and Password is: PETER You can read the news of the next day ! The prefixes are as follows: 02624 is Datex-P in Germany 02342 is PSS in England 03110 is Telenet in USA 03106 is Tymnet in USA 02405 is Telepak in Sweden 04251 is Isranet in Israel 02080 is Transpac in France 02284 is Telepac in Switzerland 02724 is Eirpac in Ireland 02704 is Luxpac in Luxembourg 05252 is Telepac in Singapore 04408 is Venus-P in Japan ...and so on... Some of the countries have more than one packet-switching-network (USA has 11, Canada has 3, etc). OK. That should be enough for the moment. As you see most of the passwords are very simple. This is because they must not have any fear of hackers. Only a few German hackers use these networks. Most of the computers are absolutely easy to hack !!! So, try to find out some Telenet-ID's and leave them here. If you need more numbers, leave e-mail. I'm calling from Germany via the German Datex-P network, which is similar to Telenet. We have a lot of those NUI's for the German network, but none for a special Tymnet-outdial-computer in USA, which connects me to any phone #. CUL8R, Mad Max PS: Call 026245621040000 and type ID INF300 with password DATACOM to get more Page 73 The Official Phreaker's Manual Informations on packet-switching-networks ! PS2: The new password for the Washington Post is KING !!!! Page 74 The Official Phreaker's Manual Phreaking AT&T Cards =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- My topic will deal with using an AT&T calling card for automated calls. Ok to place a call with an AT&T card, lift the handset (PAY PHONE) hit (0) and the desired area code and the number to call. Also when calling the same number that the card is being billed to you enter the phone number and at the tone only enter the last four digits on the card. But we don't want to do that now, do we. If additional calls are wanted all you do is hit the (#) and you will get a new dial tone! After you hit (#) you do not have to re-enter the calling card number simply enter your desired number and it will connect you. If the number you called is busy just keep hitting (#) and the number to be called until you connect! Ok to calL the U.S. of a from another country, you use the exact same format as described above! Ok now I will describe the procedure for placing calls to a foreign country, such as CANADA,RUSSIA,SOUTH AMERICA, etc.. Ok first lift the handset then enter (01) + the country code + the city code + the local telephone number. Ok after you get the tone enter the AT&T calling card number. Ok if you can not dial operator assisted calls from your area don't worry just jingle the operator and she will handle your call, don't worry she can't see you! The international number on the AT&T calling card is used for calling the US of A from places like RUSSIA, CHINA you never know when you might get stuck in a country like those and you have no money to make a call! The international operator will be able to tell you if they honor the AT&T calling card. Well I hope that this has straightened out some of your problems on the use of an AT&T calling card! All you have to remember is that weather you are placing the call or the operator, be careful and never use the calling card from your home phone!! That is a BIG NO NO.. Also AT&T has came out with a new thing called (NEW CARD CALLER SERVICE) they say that it was designed to meet the public's needs! These phones will be popping up in many place such as airport terminals, hotels, etc... What the new card caller service is, is a new type of phone that has a (CRT) screen that will talk to you in a language of your choice. The service works something like this, when you find a (NEW CARD CALLER PHONE), all you do is follow the instructions on the (CRT) screen, then you insert the (NEW CARD CALLER CARD) and there is a strip of magnetic tape on the card which reads the number, thus no one can hear you saying your number or if there were a bug in the phone,no touch tones will be heard!! You can also bill the call to a third party. that is one that I am not totally clear on yet! The phone is supposed to tell you how it can be done. That is after you have inserted your card and lifted the receiver! Page 75 The Official Phreaker's Manual :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :% %: :% AT&T FORGERY %: :% Written by The Blue Buccaneer %: :% %: :% CALL THE EVERLASTING SPEED DEMON BBS AT (415) 522-3074 %: :% Uploaded by Elric of Imrryr of Lunatic Labs UnLtd %: :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: Here is a very simple way to either: [1] Play an incredibly cruel and realistic joke on a phreaking friend. -OR- [2] Provide yourself with everything you ever wanted to be an AT&T person. All you need to do is get your hands on some AT&T paper and/or business cards. To do this you can either go down to your local business office and swipe a few or call up somewhere like WATTS INFORMATION and ask them to send you their information package. They will send you: 1. A nice letter (with the AT&T logo letterhead) saying "Here is the info." 2. A business card (again with AT&T) saying who the sales representative is. 3. A very nice color booklet telling you all about WATTS lines. 4. Various billing information. (Discard as it is very worthless) Now take the piece of AT&T paper and the AT&T business card down to your local print/copy shop. Tell them to run you off several copies of each, but to leave out whatever else is printed on the business card/letter. If they refuse or ask why, take your precious business elsewhere. (This should only cost you around $2.00 total) Now take the copies home and either with your typewriter, MAC, or Fontrix, add whatever name, address, telephone number, etc. you like. (I would recommend just changing the name on the card and using whatever information was on there earlier) And there you have official AT&T letters and business cards. As mentioned earlier, you can use them in several ways. Mail a nice letter to someone you hate (on AT&T paper..hehehe) saying that AT&T is onto them or something like that. (Be sure to use correct English and spelling) (Also do not hand write the letter! Use a typewriter! - Not Fontrix as AT&T doesn't use OLD ENGLISH or ASCII BOLD when they type letters. Any IBM typewriter will do perfectly) Another possible use (of many, I guess) is (if you are old enough to look the part) to use the business card as some sort of fake id. The last example of uses for the fake AT&T letters & b.cards is mentioned in my textfile, BASIC RADIO CALLING. Briefly, send the station a letter that reads: WCAT - FM202: (Like my examples? Haha!) (As you probably know, radio stations give away things by accepting the 'x' call. (ie: The tenth caller through wins a pair of Van Halen tickets) Sometimes they may ask a trivia question, but that's your problem. Anyway, the letter continues:) (You basically say that they have become so popular that they are getting too many calls at once from listeners trying to win tickets. By asking them to call all at the same time is overloading our systems. We do, of course, have means of handling these sort of matters, but it would require you sending us a Page 76 The Official Phreaker's Manual schedule of when you will be asking your listeners to call in. That way we would be able to set our systems to handle the amount of callers you get at peak times..(etc..etc..more BS..But you get the idea, right?) Joseph Hakimout AT&T Telecommunications East Bumblefuck, Nowheresville 55555 Ok, so it probably won't work (DJs just aren't that dumb, unless you really do live in Nowheresville), but using AT&T paper and a business card might up your chances some. :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- Page 77 The Official Phreaker's Manual =><---------------------------------><= => A little something about <= => Your phone company <= =><---------------------------------><= => By Col. Hogan <= ======================================== Ever get an operator who gave you a hard time, and you didn't know what to do? Well if the operator hears you use a little Bell jargon, she might wise up. Here is a little diagram (excuse the artwork) of the structure of operators /--------\ /------\ /-----\ !Operator!-- > ! S.A. ! --->! BOS ! \--------/ \------/ \-----/ ! ! V /-------------\ ! Group Chief ! \-------------/ Now most of the operators are not bugged, so they can curse at you, if they do ask INSTANTLY for the "S.A." or the Service Assistant. The operator does not report to her (95% of them are hers) but they will solve most of your problems. She MUST give you her name as she connects & all of these calls are bugged. If the SA gives you a rough time get her BOS (Business Office Supervisor) on the line. S/He will almost always back her girls up, but sometimes the SA will get tarred and feathered. The operator reports to the Group Chief, and S/He will solve 100% of your problems, but the chances of getting S/He on the line are nill. If a lineman (the guy who works out on the poles) or an installation man gives you the works ask to speak to the Installation Foreman, that works wonders. Here is some other bell jargon, that might come in handy if you are having trouble with the line. Or they can be used to lie your way out of situations.... An Erling is a line busy for 1 hour, used mostly in traffic studies A Permanent Signal is that terrible howling you get if you disconnect, but don't hang up. Everyone knows what a busy signal is, but some idiots think that is the *Actual* ringing of the phone, when it just is a tone "beeps" when the phone is ringing, wouldn't bet on this though, it can (and does) get out of sync. When you get a busy signal that is 2 times as fast as the normal one, the person you are trying to reach isn't really on the phone, (he might be), it is actually the signal that a trunk line somewhere is busy and they haven't or can't reroute your call. Sometimes you will get a Recording, or if you get nothing at all (Left High & Dry in fone terms) all the recordings are being used and the system is really overused, will probably go down in a little while. This happened when Kennedy was shot, the system just couldn't handle the calls. By the way this is called the "reorder signal" and the trunk line is "blocked". One more thing, if an overseas call isn't completed and doesn't generate any money for AT&T, is is called an "Air & Water Call". Page 78 The Official Phreaker's Manual [ESSENCE OF TELEPHONE CONFERENCING] [WRITTEN BY:] [FOREST RANGER] TELEPHONE CONFERENCING IS AN EASY WAY OF GETTING MANY FRIENDS TOGETHER AT ONCE. THIS CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED EASILY WITH LITTLE OR NO TROUBLE WHAT SO EVER. THE TECHNIQUES THAT I WILL TEACH YOU DO NOT REQUIRE A BLUE BOX OR A TOUCH TONE PHONE LINE. THE ONLY PREREQUISITE IS THAT YOU HAVE A PHONE THAT HAS A TONE SWITCH ON IT OR HAVE A HOOKABLE TOUCH TONE KEYPAD. NOW, IF YOU ARE THE PARANOID TYPE OF PERSON AND REFUSE TO USE YOUR OWN PHONE OUT OF YOUR HOUSE THEN HERE ARE SOME SIMPLE WAYS OF GETTING CONFERENCES STARTED FROM ANOTHER PHONE. GO TO A MALL OR A PLACE WHERE YOU KNOW THE PHONE IS BEING PAYED FOR BY THE BUSINESS IT IS IN. NOW THERE ARE TWO TO CALL THE CONFERENCE OPERATOR; DIAL "0" TO GET YOUR LOCAL OPERATOR SO SHE CAN PUT YOU THROUGH TO THE CONFERENCE OPERATOR OR DIAL THE CONFERENCE OPERATOR DIRECTLY IF YOU HAVE THE NUMBER HANDY. THE SYSTEM YOU WILL BE LINKED UP TO IS CALLED THE "ALLIANCE" SYSTEM. THERE ARE THREE BRANCHES; 1000,2000,3000. NOW ONCE YOU HAVE GOTTEN THE CONFERENCE OPERATOR YOU TELL HER YOU WOULD LIKE TO START A CONFERENCE AND YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OF IT. SHE WILL THEN PROCEED TO ASK YOU FOR YOUR NAME AND NUMBER. YOU WILL THEN GIVE HER A FAKE NAME AND THE NUMBER OF THE PAY PHONE. SHE WILL HANG UP AND CALL YOU BACK ONCE SHE HAS CHECKED THE NUMBER. THEY USUALLY DON'T REALIZE IT IS A PAYPHONE SO DON'T THINK IT WON'T WORK! NOW ONCE THE OPERATOR HAS GIVEN YOU CONTROL YOU WILL THEN PROCEED TO HACK MY VOICE PHONE AND PUT ME ON THE CONFERENCE. NOW, THE OTHER WAY OF STARTING A CONFERENCE IN WHICH YOU DON'T GET A LIVE OPERATOR IS A "PBX". WITH THIS YOU WILL CALL A PBX NUMBER AND YOU WILL THEN RECEIVE A RECORDING OF A BUSINESS OR OFFICE CO. THEN WHEN THE RECORDING IS OVER YOU WILL HERE A BEEP...THEN AFTER ABOUT 10-30 SECONDS AFTER THE BEEP YOU WILL GET A DIAL TONE ON THE ON THE END OF THE PBX. YOU WILL THEN TYPE THE PBX CODE WHICH WILL THEN RESPOND WITH A RECORDING WELCOMING YOU TO THE CONFERENCING NETWORK (WHICH WILL IN MOST IF NOT ALL BE THE "ALLIANCE" SYSTEM). IT WILL BE SELF EXPLANATORY FROM THERE. NOW IF YOU DON'T WISH TO CALL THE CONFERENCE OPERATOR EITHER WAY ALREADY EXPLAINED THEN THERE IS A WAS OF GETTING YOUR FRIENDS IN CONFERENCE. THIS IS DONE OVER A LOOP EXTENSION. NO ONE WILL HAVE CONTROL, BUT YOU WILL STILL BE ON CONFERENCE. THIS IS CALLED THE SEVEN LINE LOOP EXTENSION. THIS MEANS YOU CAN HAVE UP TO SEVEN MEMBERS, BUT THAT IS IT! THE NUMBER IS IN LA, CA. 213-206-2820. THE LAST WAY I WILL EXPLAIN TO YOU IF YOU ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF A CONFERENCE IS TO GO TO PAY PHONE LIKE I MENTIONED BEFORE ANY MAKE SURE SOME BUSINESS PAYS THE BILL FOR IT THEN CALL THE CONFERENCE OPERATOR IN THE FASHIONS MENTIONED AND ASK THE CONFERENCE OPERATOR TO PLACE CONFERENCE CALLS. THE WILL THEN ASK FOR THE NUMBERS OF THE PEOPLE TO PUT ON CONFERENCE, YOU GIVE HER THE NUMBERS AND SHE WILL PUT YOU ALL ON CONFERENCE. WHEN YOU ARE DONE YOU WILL HANG UP ON HER SO THERE WILL BE NO ONE IN CONTROL.THAT MEANS THE CONFERENCE WILL BE BILLED TO THE PAYPHONE AND NO ONE CAN BE BLAMED FOR THE CONFERENCE DUE TO NO ONE BEING IN CONTROL! ***NOTE*** THE CONFERENCE OPERATOR WILL NOT BE ON WHILE YOU ARE ALL TALKING! REMEMBER THAT CONFERENCES ARE NOT HARD AND IT IS VERY HARD TO GET ARRESTED ON ONE DUE TO WHAT I HAVE MENTIONED. REMEMBER:REACH OUT AND PHREAK SOMEONE! [TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CONTROLS] # - CONTROL MODE # - 6 PASSES CONTROL Page 79 The Official Phreaker's Manual # - 1 + AREA CODE & NUMBER ADDS # - 9 SILENT MODE # - 7 GETS CONFERENCE OPERATOR * - ENDS CONFERENCE THE "#" IS THE CONTROL KEY ON YOUR CONFERENCES. WHEN YOU PASS CONTROL TO SOMEONE ELSE HIT THE "#" THEN "6". WAIT FOR THE RECORDING TO SAY ENTER # OF PERSON TO PASS CONTROL TO, THEN ENTER THE NUMBER OF THE PERSON YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE CONTROL TO. TO ADD A PERSON ON TO THE CONFERENCE HIT "#" THEN "1","AREA CODE","NUMBER". THEN WHEN THE PERSON ANSWERS WAIT FIVE SECONDS THEN HIT THE "#" TO ADD. IF YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF THE CONFERENCE AND YOU WANT TO HEAR EVERYONE ELSE, BUT YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE HEARD IT "#" THEN "9" THEN THE "#" TO REJOIN THE CONFERENCE. REMEMBER AFTER ADDING SOMEONE ON OR PASSING CONTROL TO SOMEONE YOU MUST ALWAYS HIT THE "#" TO REJOIN THE OTHERS ON CONFERENCE: PASSING CONTROL: "#","6", WAIT FOR RECORDING TO SAY ENTER NUMBER OF PARTY TO GIVE CONTROL TO THEN ENTER NUMBER AND HIT "#" TO REJOIN YOUR CONFERENCE.IF YOU EVER WANT TO GET A CONFERENCE OPERATOR FOR SOME STRANGE REASON THEN HIT "#","7" AND WAIT FOR A CONFERENCE OPERATOR TO CLICK ON. TO END A CONFERENCE HIT "*". WITH HELP FROM: SILICON FALCON, SILVER CONDOR, AND THE ELIMINATOR. Page 80 The Official Phreaker's Manual Phone Tapping HERE IS SOME INFO ON PHONE TAPS. I HAVE ENCLOSED A SCHEMATIC FOR A SIMPLE WIRETAP & INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOOKING UP A TAPE RECORDER CONTROL RELAY TO THE PHONE LINE. FIRST I'LL DISCUSS TAPS A LITTLE. THERE ARE MANY DIFFERENT TYPES OF TAPS. THERE ARE TRANSMITTERS, WIRED TAPS AND INDUCTION TAPS TO NAME A FEW. WIRED AND WIRELESS TRANSMITTERS MUST BE PHYSICALLY CONNECTED TO THE LINE BEFORE THEY'LL DO ANY GOOD. ONCE A WIRELESS TAP IS CONNECTED TO THE LINE, IT CAN TRANSMIT ALL CONVERSATIONS OVER A LIMITED RANGE. THE PHONES IN THE HOUSE CAN EVEN BE MODIFIED TO PICK UP CONVERSATIONS IN THE ROOM & TRANSMIT THEM TOO! THESE TAPS ARE USUALLY POWERED OFF THE PHONE LINE, BUT CAN HAVE AN EXTERNAL POWER SOURCE. WIRED TAPS, ON THE OTHER HAND, NEED NO POWER SOURCE, BUT A WIRE MUST BE RUN FROM THE LINE TO THE LISTENER OR TO A TRANSMITTER. THERE ARE OBVIOUS ADVANTAGES OF WIRELESS TAPS OVER WIRED ONES. THERE IS ONE TYPE OF WIRELESS TAP THAT LOOKS LIKE A NORMAL TELEPHONE MIKE. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS REPLACE THE ORIGINAL MIKE WITH THIS & IT'LL TRANSMIT ALL CONVERSATIONS! THERE IS AN EXOTIC TYPE OF WIRED TAP KNOWN AS THE 'INFINITY TRANSMITTER' OR 'HARMONICA BUG'. IN ORDER TO HOOK UP ONE OF THESE, YOU NEED ACCESS TO THE TARGET TELEPHONE. IT HAS A TONE DECODER & SWITCH INSIDE. WHEN IT IS INSTALLED, SOMEONE CALLS THE TAPPED PHONE & *BEFORE* IT RINGS, BLOWS A WHISTLE OVER THE LINE. THE X-MITTER RECEIVES THE TONE & PICKS UP THE PHONE VIA A RELAY. THE MIKE ON THE PHONE IS ACTIVATED SO THE CALLER CAN HEAR ALL CONVERSATIONS IN THE ROOM. THERE IS A SWEEP TONE TEST AT 415/BUG-1111 WHICH CAN BE USED TO DETECT ON OF THESE TAPS. IF ONE OF THESE IS ON YOUR LINE & THE TEST # SENDS THE CORRECT TONE, YOU'LL HEAR A CLICK. INDUCTION TAPS HAVE ONE BIG ADVANTAGE OVER TAPS THAT MUST BE PHYSICALLY WIRED TO THE PHONE. THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE TOUCHING THE PHONE IN ORDER TO PICK UP THE CONVERSATION. THEY WORK ON THE SAME PRINCIPLE AS THE LITTLE SUCTION-CUP TAPE RECORDER MIKES YOU CAN GET AT RADIO SHACK. INDUCTION MIKES CAN BE HOOKED UP TO A TRANSMITTER OR BE WIRED. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE USING THE PHONE: A SALESMAN WALKS INTO AN OFFICE & MAKES A FONE CALL. HE FAKES THE CONVERSATION, BUT WHEN HE HANGS UP HE SLIPS SOME FOAM-RUBBER CUBES UNDER THE HANDSET, SO THE FONE IS STILL OFF THE HOOK. THE CALLED PARTY CAN STILL HEAR ALL CONVERSATIONS IN THE ROOM. WHEN SOMEONE PICKS UP THE FONE, THE CUBES FALL AWAY UNNOTICED. I USE A TAP ON MY LINE TO MONITOR WHAT AE-PRO IS DOING WHEN IT AUTO-DIALS, SINCE IT DOESN'T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE HANDSET ON THE APPLE CAT II. I CAN ALSO HOOK UP THE TAP TO A CASSETTE RECORDER OR AMPLIFIER. HERE IS THE SCHEMATIC: -------)!----)!(-------------> )!( CAP ^ )!( )!( )!( )!( ^^^^^---)!(-------------> ^ 100K ! ! THE HITCHHINKERS <%=- BRING YOUR TOWEL Page 88 The Official Phreaker's Manual 2600 Magazine's story on the Private Sector Bust Uploaded by Elric of Imrryr Lunatic Labs Unlimited :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Typed By Shooting Shark : The following article appeared in the August, 1985 issue of 2600 Magazine. Subscriptions to 2600 are $12 a year for individuals. Make checks payable to 2600 Enterprises, Inc. Write to: 2600, Box 752, Middle Island, NY 11953-0752. Their phone number is 516-751-2600. Text of article follows. SEIZED! 2600 Bulletin Board is Implicated in Raid on Jersey Hackers On July 12, 1985, law enforcement officials seized the Private Sector BBS, the official computer bulletin board of 2600 magazine, for "complicity in computer theft," under the newly passed, and yet untested, New Jersey Statute 2C:20-25. Police had uncovered in April a credit carding ring operated around a Middlesex County electronic bulletin board, and from there investigated other North Jersey bulletin boards. Not understanding subject matter of the Private Sector BBS, police assumed that the sysop was involved in illegal activities. Six other computers were also seized in this investigation, including those of Store Manager [perhaps they mean Swap Shop Manager? - Shark] who ran a BBS of his own, Beowolf, Red Barchetta, the Vampire, NJ Hack Shack, sysop of the NJ Hack Shack BBS, and that of the sysop of the Treasure Chest BBS. Immediately after this action, members of 2600 contacted the media, who were completely unaware of any of the raids. They began to bombard the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office with questions and a press conference was announced for July 16. The system operator of the Private Sector BBS attempted to attend along with reporters from 2600. They were effectively thrown off the premises. Threats were made to charge them with trespassing and other crimes. An officer who had at first received them civilly was threatened with the loss of his job if he didn't get them removed promptly. Then the car was chased out of the parking lot. Perhaps prosecutor Alan Rockoff was afraid that he presence of some technically literate reporters would ruin the effect of his press release on the public. As it happens, he didn't need our help. The next day the details of the press conference were reported to the public by the press. As Rockoff intended, paranoia about hackers ran rampant. Headlines got as ridiculous as hackers ordering tank parts by telephone from TRW and moving satellites with their home computers in order to make free phone calls. These and even more exotic stories were reported by otherwise respectable media sources. The news conference understandably made the front page of most of the major newspapers in the US, and was a major news item as far away as Australia and in the United Kingdom due to the sensationalism of the claims. We will try to explain why these claims may have been made in this issue. On July 18 the operator of The Private Sector was formally charged with"computer conspiracy" under the above law, and released in the custody of his parents. The next day the American Civil Liberties Union took over his defense. The ACLU commented that it would be very hard for Rockoff to prove a conspiracy just "because the same information, construed by the prosecutor to be illegal, appears on two bulletin boards." especially as Rockoff admitted that "he did not believe any of the defendants knew each other." The ACLU believes that the system operator's rights were violated, as he was assumed to Page 89 The Official Phreaker's Manual be involved in an illegal activity just because of other people under investigation who happened to have posted messages on his board. In another statement which seems to confirm Rockoff's belief in guilt by association, he announced the next day that "630 people were being investigated to determine if any used their computer equipment fraudulently." We believe this is only the user list of the NJ Hack Shack, so the actual list of those to be investigated may turn out to be almost 5 times that. The sheer overwhelming difficulty of this task may kill this investigation, especially as they find that many hackers simply leave false information. Computer hobbyists all across the country have already been called by the Bound Brook, New Jersey office of the FBI. They reported that the FBI agents used scare tactics in order to force confessions or to provoke them into turning in others. We would like to remind those who get called that there is nothing inherently wrong or illegal in calling any ANY BBS, nor in talking about ANY activity. The FBI would not comment on the case as it is an "ongoing investigation" and in the hands of the local prosecutor. They will soon find that many on the Private Sector BBS's user list are data processing managers, telecommunications security people, and others who are interested in the subject of the BBS, hardly the underground community of computer criminals depicted at the news conference. The Private Sector BBS was a completely open BBS, and police and security people were even invited on in order to participate. The BBS was far from the "elite" type of underground telecom boards that Rockoff attempted to portray. Within two days, Rockoff took back almost all of the statements he had made at the news conference, as AT&T and the DoD [Department of Defense - Shark] discounted the claims he had made. He was understandably unable to find real proof of Private Sector's alleged illegal activity, and was faced with having to return the computer equipment with nothing to show for his effort. Rockoff panicked, and on July 31, the system operator had a new charge against him, "wiring up his computer as a blue box." Apparently this was referring to his Novation Applecat modem which is capable of generating any hertz tone over the phone line. By this stretch of imagination an Applecat could produce a 2600 hertz tone as well as the MF which is necessary for "blue boxing." However, each and every other owner of an Applecat or any other modem that can generate its own tones therefore has also "wired up his computer as a blue box" by merely installing the modem. This charge is so ridiculous that Rockoff probably will never bother to press it. However, the wording of WIRING UP THE COMPUTER gives rockoff an excuse to continue to hold onto the computer longer in his futile search for illegal activity. "We have requested that the prosecutors give us more specific information," said Arthur Miller, the lawyer for The Private Sector. "The charges are so vague that we can't really present a case at this point." Miller will appear in court on August 16 to obtain this information. He is also issuing a demand for the return of the equipment and, if the prosecutors don't cooperate, will commence court proceedings against them. "They haven't been particularly cooperative," he said. Rockoff probably will soon reconsider taking Private Sector's case to court, as he will have to admit he just didn't know what he was doing when he seized the BBS. The arrest warrant listed only "computer conspiracy" against Private Sector, which is much more difficult to prosecute than the multitude of charges against some of the other defendants, which include credit card fraud, toll fraud, the unauthorized entry into computers, and numerous others. Both Rockoff and the ACLU mentioned the Supreme Court in their press Page 90 The Official Phreaker's Manual releases, but he will assuredly take one of his stronger cases to test the new New Jersey computer crime law. by seizing the BBS just because of supposed activities discussed on it, Rockoff raises constitutional questions. Darrell Paster, a lawyer who centers much of his work on computer crime, says the New Jersey case is "just another example of local law enforcement getting on the bandwagon of crime that has come into vogue to prosecute, and they have proceeded with very little technical understanding, and in the process they have abused many people's constitutional rights. What we have developing is a mini witch hunt which is analogous to some of the arrests at day care centers, where they sweep in and arrest everybody, ruin reputations, and then find that there is only one or two guilty parties." We feel that law enforcement, not understanding the information on the BBS, decided to strike first and ask questions later. 2600 magazine and the sysops of the Private Sector BBS stand fully behind the system operator. As soon as the equipment is returned, the BBS will go back up. We ask all our readers to do their utmost to support us in our efforts, and to educate as many of the public as possible that a hacker is not a computer criminal. We are all convinced of our sysop's innocence, and await Rockoff's dropping of the charges. NOTE: Readers will notice that our reporting of the events are quite different than those presented in the media and by the Middlesex County Prosecutor. We can only remind you that we are much closer to the events at hand than the media is, and that we are much more technologically literate than the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office. The Middlesex County Prosecutor has already taken back many of his statements, after the contentions were disproven by AT&T and the DoD. One problem is that the media and the police tend to treat the seven cases as one case, thus the charges against and activities of some of the hackers has been extended to all of the charged. We at 2600 can only speak about the case of Private Sector. Page 91 The Official Phreaker's Manual Chapter 4 By now I assume that the reader has a fair idea of what phreaking is, and know a little bit about how to go about it. From now on, I will assume that the reader has read all the material before this or understands all the material covered. Now we will take a journey into the "Basics of Telecommunications" and learn a little about how everything works, and is related to everything else. This series of articles is extremely good and should be read by all levels of phreaks. As we go further into the advanced world of phreaking, we come closer to the edge of technology. As we approach it, everything seems to become larger and more complicated. We notice that many things that were possible aren't anymore. Blue boxing is starting to become the only method of exploration as Equal Access looms nearer and nearer. As it stands now, equal access is here, and many LD services such as Sprint and MCI will be tougher to hack. Extenders will become more used and abused, which will cause them to get access codes miles long... Blue boxing becomes harder as all Bell switching and transmission facilities go under to CCIS. Then to further complicate things, digital microwave, fiber optic, and satellite transmission are all coming to be digital and do not recognize 2600hz for the hang up signal. I predict that around 1990, blue boxes will be obsolete from all major cities. A new type of box will have to be invented, or you'll have to get two fone line to phreak with, on to place the actual call and the other to tap into a COSMOS computer to change the status of the call from toll to toll-free, ie. 800#. Well somethings will change for the better, with ISDN you'll get 144k bps lines and some other neat stuff. Page 92 The Official Phreaker's Manual ************* << BIOC AGENT 003'S COURSE IN >> ************* * * * $%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$ * * BASIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS * * $%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$ * * PART II * * * ************************************************************ PREFACE: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> IN PART II, WE WILL EXPLORE THE VARIOUS SPECIAL BELL#'S, SUCH AS: CN/A, AT&T NEWSLINES, LOOPS, 99XX #'S, ANI, RINGBACK, AND A FEW OTHERS. CN/A: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> CN/A, WHICH STANDS FOR CUSTOMER NAME AND ADDRESS, ARE BUREAUS THAT EXIST SO THAT AUTHORIZED BELL EMPLOYEES CAN FIND OUT THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF ANY CUSTOMER IN THE BELL SYSTEM. ALL #'S ARE MAINTAINED ON FILE INCLUDING UNLISTED #'S. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: 1) YOU HAVE A # AND YOU WANT TO FIND OUT WHO OWNS IT, E.G. (914) 555-1234. 2) YOU LOOK UP THE CN/A # FOR THAT NPA IN THE LIST BELOW. IN THE EXAMPLE, THE NPA IS 914 AND THE CN/A# IS 518-471-8111. 3) YOU THEN CALL UP THE CN/A # (DURING BUSINESS HOURS) AND SAY SOMETHING LIKE, "HI, THIS IS JOHN JONES FROM THE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE CENTER IN MIAMI. CAN I HAVE THE CUSTOMER'S NAME AT 914-555-1234. THAT # IS 914-555-1234." MAKE UP YOUR OWN REAL SOUNDING NAME, THOUGH. 4) IF YOU SOUND NATURAL & CHEERY, THE OPERATOR WILL ASK NO QUESTIONS. HERE'S THE LIST: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> NPA CN/A # NPA CN/A # --- ------------ --- ------------ 201 201-676-7070 517 313-232-8690 202 202-384-9620 518 518-471-8111 203 203-789-6800 519 416-487-3641 204 ****N/A***** 601 601-961-0877 205 205-988-7000 602 303-232-2300 206 206-382-8000 603 617-787-2750 207 617-787-2750 604 604-432-2996 208 303-232-2300 605 402-345-0600 209 415-546-1341 606 502-583-2861 212 518-471-8111 607 518-471-8111 213 213-501-4144 608 414-424-5690 214 214-948-5731 609 201-676-7070 215 412-633-5600 612 402-345-0600 216 614-464-2345 613 416-487-3641 217 217-525-7000 614 614-464-2345 218 402-345-0600 615 615-373-5791 Page 93 The Official Phreaker's Manual 219 317-265-7027 616 313-223-8690 301 301-534-11?? 617 617-787-2750 302 412-633-5600 618 217-525-7000 303 303-232-2300 701 402-345-0600 304 304-344-8041 702 415-546-1341 305 912-784-9111 703 804-747-1411 306 ****N/A***** 704 912-784-9111 307 303-232-2300 705 416-487-3641 308 402-345-0600 707 415-546-1341 309 217-525-7000 709 ****N/A***** 312 312-769-9600 712 402-345-0600 313 313-223-8690 713 713-658-1793 314 314-436-3321 714 213-995-0221 315 518-471-8111 715 414-424-5690 316 816-275-2782 716 518-471-8111 317 317-265-7027 717 412-633-5600 318 318-227-1551 801 303-232-2300 319 402-345-0600 802 617-787-2750 401 617-787-2750 803 912-784-9111 402 402-345-0600 804 804-747-1411 403 403-425-2652 805 415-546-1341 404 912-784-9111 806 512-828-2502 405 405-236-6121 807 416-487-3641 406 303-232-2300 808 212-226-5487 408 415-546-1341 BERMUDA ONLY 412 412-633-5600 809 212-334-4336 413 617-787-2750 812 317-265-7027 414 414-424-5690 813 813-228-7871 415 415-546-1132 814 412-633-5600 416 416-487-3641 815 217-525-7000 417 314-436-3321 816 816-275-2782 418 514-861-6391 817 214-948-5731 419 614-464-2345 819 514-861-6391 501 405-236-6121 901 615-373-5791 502 502-583-2861 902 902-421-4110 503 503-241-3440 903 ****N/A***** 504 504-245-5330 904 912-784-9111 505 303-232-2300 906 313-223-8690 506 506-657-3855 907 ****N/A***** 507 402-345-0600 912 912-784-9111 509 206-382-8000 913 816-275-2782 512 512-828-2501 914 518-471-8111 513 614-464-2345 915 512-828-2501 514 514-861-6391 916 415-546-1341 515 402-345-0600 918 405-236-6121 516 518-471-8111 919 912-784-9111 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> BELL USES THESE #'S MAINLY TO FIND OUT WHO OWNS A # THAT A CUSTOMER CLAIMS HE NEVER CALLED. NOTE: THIS IS THE MOST COMPLETE LIST OF CN/A #'S IN MY POSSESSION (WITH ONLY 5 #'S NOT AVAILABLE) THIS LIST WAS COPYRIGHTED IN 1982 BY "JUDAS GERARD" AS IT ORIGINALLY APPEARED IN TAP ISSUE #78. AT&T NEWSLINES: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> NEWSLINES ARE RECORDINGS THAT BELL EMPLOYEES CALL UP TO FIND OUT THE LATEST Page 94 The Official Phreaker's Manual INFO ON STOCK, TECHNOLOGY, ETC. CONCERNING THE BELL SYSTEM. HERE ARE THE #'S THAT ARE CURRENTLY KNOWN TO PHREAKS (AT LEAST ME, ANYWAY): <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> 201-483-3800 NJ 513-421-9060 OH 203-771-4920 CT 516-234-9914 NY 212-393-2151 NY 518-471-2272 NY 213-621-4141 CA 617-955-1111 MA 213-829-0111 CA (GTE) 702-789-6711 NV 213-449-8830 CA 713-224-6116 TX 312-368-8000 IL 714-238-1111 CA 313-223-7223 MI 717-255-5555 PA 314-247-5511 MO 717-787-1031 PA 408-493-5000 CA 802-955-1111 VE 412-633-3333 PA 808-533-4426 HI 414-678-3511 WI 813-223-5666 FL 416-929-4323 ONT. 914-948-8100 NY 503-228-6271 OR 916-480-8000 CA LOOPS <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> FIRST OF ALL, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF LOOPS. I THINK THAT THE BEST WAY THAT THIS IS UNDERSTOOD IS THE WAY THAT PHRED PHREEK EXPLAINED IT... "NO SELF-RESPECTING PHONE PHREAK CAN GO THROUGH LIFE WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT A LOOP IS, HOW TO USE ONE, AND THE TYPES THAT ARE AVAILABLE. THE LOOP IS A GREAT ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION MEDIUM THAT HAS MANY POTENTIAL USES THAT HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN TAPPED YET. IN ORDER TO EXPLAIN WHAT A LOOP IS, IT WOULD BE HELPFUL TO VISUALIZE TWO PHONE NUMBERS (LINES) JUST FLOATING AROUND IN THE TELCO CENTRAL OFFICE (CO). NOW, IF YOU (AND A FRIEND PERHAPS) WERE TO CALL THESE TWO NUMBERS AT THE SAME TIME, POOOOPFFF!!!, YOU ARE NOW CONNECTED TOGETHER. I HEAR WHAT YOU'RE SAYING OUT THERE..., "BIG DEAL" OR "WHY SHOULD MA BELL COLLECT HERE TWO MSU'S (MESSAGE UNITS) FOR ONE LOUSY PHONE CALL!?" WELL... THINK AGAIN. HAVEN'T YOU EVER WANTED SOMEONE TO CALL YOU BACK BUT, WERE RELUCTANT TO GIVE OUT YOUR HOME PHONE NUMBER (LIKE THE LAST TIME YOU TRIED TO GET YOUR FRIEND'S UNLISTED # FROM THE BUSINESS OFFICE)? OR HOW ABOUT A COLLECT CALL TO YOUR FRIEND WAITING ON A LOOP, WHO WILL GLADLY ACCEPT THE CHARGES? OR BETTER YET, STUMBLING UPON A LOOP THAT YOU DISCOVER THAT HAS MULTI-USER CAPABILITY (FOR THOSE LATE-NIGHT CONFERENCES). BEST OF ALL IS FINDING A NON-SUPERVISED LOOP THAT DOESN'T CHARGE ANY MSU'S OR TOLLS TO ONE OR BOTH PARTIES. EXAMPLE: MANY MOONS AGO, A LOOP AFFECTIONATELY KNOWN AS 'THE 332 LOOP' WAS NON-SUP (IE, NON-SUPERVISED) ON THE TONE SIDE. I HAD MY FRIEND IN CALIFORNIA DIAL THE FREE (NON-SUP) SIDE, (212) 332-9906 AND I DIALED THE SIDE THAT CHARGED, 332-9900. AS YOU CAN SEE, I WAS CHARGED ONE MSU, AND MY FRIEND AS CHARGED ZILCH, FOR AS LONG AS WE WISHED TO TALK!!!" ********** AHHH...HAVE I PERKED YOUR INTEREST YET? IF SO, HERE IS HOW TO FIND A LOOP OF YOU VERY OWN. FIRST, DO ALL OF YOU LOOP SEARCHING AT NIGHT! THIS IS BECAUSE THE LOOPS SERVE A GENUINE TEST FUNCTION WHICH TELCO USES DURING THE DAY. (WE DON'T WANT TO RUN INTO AN IRATE LINEMAN NOW, DO WE?) TO FIND A LOOP, HAVING 2 #'S IS A DEFINITE PLUS. IF NOT, HAVE A FRIEND TO DIAL #'S AT HIS LOCATION. LAST RESORT, TRY DIALING FROM TWO ADJACENT PAY PHONES. NOW GET YOUR TRUSTY WHITE PAGES (*), AND TURN TO THE PAGE WHERE IT LISTS THE # OF MSU'S FROM YOUR EXCHANGE (OR EXCHANGES IN YOUR PRIMARY CALLING AREA) THE IDEA IS TO FIND A LOOP Page 95 The Official Phreaker's Manual THAT IS WITHIN YOUR PRIMARY CALLING AREA OR IS ONLY 1 MSU IN YOUR AREA (CALL AREA A). THIS IS SO YOU DON'T GO BANKRUPT TRYING TO FIND A LOOP. WRITE DOWN ALL OF THESE EXCHANGES AND DO A 99XX SCAN OF THOSE EXCHANGES (99XX SCANNING WILL BE DISCUSSED SHORTLY). BEFORE WE GET UP TO 99XX SCANNING, WE WILL LOOK AT SOME OTHER LOOP INFO: LOOPS ARE FOUND PAIRS WHICH ARE USUALLY CLOSE TO EACH OTHER. FOR EXAMPLE, IN NPA 212, WHERE THE INFAMOUS LOOPS ARE FOUND, THERE IS A STANDARD LOOP FORMAT: MANHATTAN & BRONX-------NNX-9977/9979 BROOKLYN & QUEENS-------NNX-9900/9906 NNX IS THE EXCHANGE TO BE SCANNED. HERE ARE SOME LOOPS THAT HAVE BEEN FOUND IN NYC. THESE ARE USED MOSTLY BY PHREAKS AND CALL-IN LINES FOR PIRATE RADIO STATIONS: 212-220-9900/9906 212-283-9977/9979 212-352-9900/9906 212-365-9977/9979 212-529-9900/9906 212-562-9977/9979 212-982-9977/9979 212-986-9977/9979 THE LOWER # IS THE TONE SIDE (SINGING SWITCH). THE HIGHER # IS ALWAYS SILENT. THE TONE DISAPPEARS ON THE LOWER # WHEN SOMEBODY DIALS IN THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LOOP. IF YOU ARE ON THE HIGHER #, YOU'LL HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE CLICKS TO SEE IF SOMEBODY DIALED-IN. THE NYC 982 & 986 LOOPS ARE DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS. USUALLY WHEN YOU PARK ON A LOOP, YOU WILL HEAR WHO EVER CALLS IN ON THE OTHER HALF. WHEN THEY'RE DONE, THE NEXT CALLER (IF ANY) WILL BE QUEUED IN, ONE AFTER ANOTHER. ON THE NYC 982 & 986, YOU SOMETIMES CAN'T GET ANY MORE CALLERS IN AFTER THE FIRST. FURTHERMORE, IF YOU PARK ONE OF THESE LOOPS AND THERE IS NOBODY ON THE OTHER END FOR MORE THAN 4 MINUTES, YOU MAY BE AUTOMATICALLY DISCONNECTED. THESE LOOPS ARE GOOD FOR BACK-UP PURPOSES WHEN ALL OTHER LOOPS ARE BUSY. 99XX SCANNING: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> MOST EVERY EXCHANGE IN THE BELL SYSTEM HAS A WIDE VARIETY OF TEST #'S AND OTHER "GOODIES," SUCH AS LOOPS. THESE "GOODIES" ARE USUALLY FOUND BETWEEN 9900 AND 9999 IN YOUR LOCAL EXCHANGE. IF YOU HAVE THE TIME AND INITIATIVE, SCAN YOUR EXCHANGE AND YOU MAY BECOME LUCKY! HERE ARE MY FINDINGS IN THE 914-268: 9901 - VERIFICATION (RECORDING OF A/C AND EXCHANGE) 9936 - VOICE # TO THE TELCO CO 9937 - VOICE # TO THE TELCO CO 9941 - CARRIER 9960 - OSC. TONE (TONE SIDE LOOP) 9963 - TONE (STOPS: MUTED) 9966 - CARRIER 9968 - TONE THAT DISAPPEARS--RESPONDS TO CERTAIN TOUCH-TONE KEYS Page 96 The Official Phreaker's Manual MOST OF THE #'S BETWEEN 9900 & 9999 WILL RING, BE BUSY, GO TO A SPECIAL INTERCEPT OPERATOR ("WHAT #, PLEASE?"), OR WILL GO TO A "THE # YOU HAVE REACHED..." RECORDING. WHAT YOU FIND DEPENDS UPON THE SWITCHING EQUIPMENT IN THE EXCHANGE AND THE TELCO OPERATING COMPANY. WHEN SEARCHING FOR LOOPS, YOU MAY FIND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING POSSIBILITIES WHEN YOU FIND ONE: 1. YOU CAN HEAR THROUGH THE LOOP (NOT MUTED), BUT THERE IS A 1/2 SECOND CLICK EVERY 10 SECONDS THAT INTERRUPTS THE AUDIO. THIS TYPE IS GOOD FOR BACK-UP USE BUT THE FUCKING CLICK IS SUPER ANNOYING. 2. ONE SIDE OF THE LOOP IS BUSY; TRY IT AGAIN LATER. 3. THE TONE DISAPPEARS, BUT YOU CANNOT HEAR THROUGH IT (THE LOOP IS MUTED, TRY AGAIN IN A MONTH OR SO) 4. YOU GET "THE # YOU HAVE REACHED RECORDING." NO LOOP HERE! MOST LOOPS ARE MUTED (#3), BUT THEIR STATUS DOES CHANGES FROM TIME-TO-TIME. IT ALL DEPENDS IF THE TELCO MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL REMEMBER TO "THROW THE SWITCH", IE, TURN OFF THE LOOP. SINCE I HAVE DONE THE ABOVE 914-268 99XX SCAN, CONGERS (268) HAS INSTALLED NEW SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (DMS100). SOME OF THE NUMBERS ARE THE SAME, BUT I HAVE NOTICED THAT ON THE DMS100, THE RECORDINGS ARE ALSO STORED IN THIS AREA. 268-9903, 9906, 9909, & 9912 ARE ALL DIFFERENT RECORDINGS. ALSO, THERE ARE 2 FORTRESS FONE RECORDINGS AT 268-9911 (DEPOSIT 5 CENTS OR ELSE) AND 268-9913 (DEPOSIT 10 CENTS). NONE OF THESE RECORDINGS SUPE AND ALOT OF OTHER 99XX#'S DON'T SUPE EITHER. IN SOME AREAS (LIKE MD), 9906-7 IS RINGBACK. IN WASHINGTON, THERE IS A SWEEP TONE TEST AT (202) 560-9944. IN NYC (212), YOU'LL FIND THE INFAMOUS LOOP LINES (AS MENTIONED ABOVE). IT WILL BE EASIER TO SCAN YOUR EXCHANGE IF YOU MAKE UP A CHART LIKE THE ONE BELOW: NPA-NNX-99XX SCAN <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> _________________________________________________________ | 99X X>|0 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| | 990 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| | 991 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| | 992 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| | 993 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| | 994 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| | 995 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| | 996 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| Page 97 The Official Phreaker's Manual | 997 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| | 998 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| | 999 | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> THIS LEAVES YOU WITH 100 BOXES (1 FOR EACH # BETWEEN 9900 & 9999). YOU SHOULD MAKE YOUR BOXES BIG ENOUGH SO YOU CAN WRITE SOME SORT OF SHORTHAND IN THEM. FOR EXAMPLE: B - BUSY (TRY AGAIN AT ANOTHER TIME) R - RINGS (TRY AGAIN AT ANOTHER TIME) O - INTERCEPT OPERATOR ("WHAT # YOU CALLING?) R1- RECORDING 1 (MAKE A MARGIN NOTE OF THE TYPES OF RECORDINGS YOU GET) T - TONE ] TONE AT A LOWER # + IGNORE I - IGNORE ] AT A HIGHER # = LOOP V - VOICE # TO TELCO CO - THEY USUALLY ANSWER WITH THE CITY NAME OR AREA. C - CARRIER THERE WILL BE OTHERS AND YOU SHOULD USE OTHER CHARACTERS THAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND. NOW, BACK TO LOOPS! AS YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED IN MY 914-268 SCAN, I FOUND A  Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253