$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ THE IC'S RULES OF PHREAKING $ $ $ $ These are the standards of hacking employed by $ $ the Inner Core. The text comes from a data file $ $ written by and for IC members. HACK YOUR OWN $ $ CODES. Don't leech codes from someone else. $ $ Having codes is like having sex, if you don't $ $ protect yourself you'll end up with a venereal $ $ disease. You have no idea where a code has been $ $ before you got your hands on it, when it was $ $ hacked or how long it's been in circulation. Time $ $ is a very important factor, the longer a code has $ $ been in use, the greater the risk. $ $ $ $ DON'T STAY ON A CODE MORE THAN THREE DAYS. Don't $ $ give the suckers an even break. To run a trace, $ $ MCI needs a court order. Ain't that nice. Paper $ $ work takes time, and it's highly unlikely that $ $ they could accomplish the feat in three days. $ $ $ $ It' s even more unlikely that they would even $ $ know they've been phreaked for at least a $ $ week. All company's have thirty day billing $ $ cycles, if you started using the code the day $ $ after the bills went out, you'd have twenty nine $ $ days left to play with it. The customer gets his $ $ billing and bitches up a storm. The company now $ $ has the option of setting up a trap, but alas, $ $ they notice that you haven't used the code in $ $ three weeks and have no destination number to $ $ PIN . If you phreaked the code one day before the $ $ billing cycle ends, then the customer may notice $ $ right away. Figure you have two days for it to $ $ reach the customer. If he yells right away it $ $ takes a few more days for the security department $ $ to process the paperwork for the trace. By that $ $ time you're long gone. $ $ $ $ DON'T STAY ON A CODE MORE THAN THREE DAYS. If you $ $ insist on burning the same company, you're going $ $ to develop a pattern they can spot. You call your $ $ girl friend in Alaska every damned day using the $ $ same company. It doesn't take a genius to predict $ $ what you're going to do tomorrow. They know where $ $ you enter their system and where you're going to. $ $ You've given them everything they need to run a $ $ good trace. Spread the wealth a little. Use US $ $ Telecom, then ITT, Lexitel, Skyline, Metro and a $ $ few of the 800's if you like. Spread it out. $ $ These people have no way of comparing. So you $ $ can screw Peter, Paul and the rest of the $ $ Apostles with no worry. Just don't be a dip stick $ $ and get lazy. $ $ $ $ Everyone is worried about THE TRACE. Don't be. $ $ It's no big deal for AT&T, after all it is their $ $ network, but for the leech services it's an $ $ entirely different matter. This is why we don't $ $ mess around with AT&T except through secondary $ $ accesses like PBX's or Diverters. $ $ $ $ This is the senerio that MCI's security $ $ department will run down. $ $ $ $ They call up a number that you've called....... $ $ $ $ "Hello, this is Inspector Bullshit with MCI. Did $ $ you receive a phone call from the 212 area code $ $ on November 22, 1945 at 4:00 A. M.? " $ $ "You didn't?" $ $ "We've traced fourteen calls to this number in $ $ the last two weeks, by the way, who am I $ $ speaking with?" $ $ "Well Mrs. Blabbermouth, perhaps someone else in $ $ your household received the calls? " $ $ "I see, your daughter has a boyfriend in New $ $ York." $ $ I'm afraid that he's in some serious trouble Mrs. $ $ B. If you'll cooperate with me we won't pursue $ $ this matter with your daughter." $ $ "That's correct, little Susie Blabbermouth won't $ $ be involved. It would be a shame to cause you $ $ folks trouble, after all she didn't actually make $ $ the calls." $ $ "All I need is the boy's name and phone number." $ $ "Let me see if I have that right." $ $ Jimmy Phreaker at 212-555-1212?" $ $ "Thank you Mrs. B you've been very helpful." $ $ $ $ The key point is, if Bullshit had really run $ $ traces he wouldn't be calling to con the $ $ information. The exchange is typical of cons used $ $ by most phone companys and illustrate several $ $ important issues. Make sure that the person $ $ you're calling is cool and there's no chance $ $ that someone else could rat on you. It is very $ $ unlikely that MCI will make such a call if you $ $ use the IC's Rules of Phreaking. Yet, if it were $ $ to occur these are your friend's options.... $ $ $ $ 1. HANGUP $ $ 2. "FUCK YOU"...THEN HANG UP $ $ 3. "I WAS WATCHING MIAMI VICE AND YOU INTERRUPT $ $ ME WITH THIS CRAP. FUCK YOU"....HANG UP $ $ 4. If you want to be nice about it; "I don't know $ $ what you're talking about.....HANG UP. $ $ $ $ The problem is now resolved. $ $ Remember these guys are like rabid dogs in heat, $ $ they're excellant con artists. Believe nothing $ $ you hear. You don't have to talk to them. If $ $ they had anything on you they'd be standing at $ $ your door with a search warrant. Their abilities $ $ in this area a very restricted. They operate by $ $ manipulating your fear and you have nothing to $ $ fear but your own fear. Don't try to come up with $ $ some lame explanation, you know you received the $ $ call and they know it. So don't make an ass out $ $ of yourself trying to explain away the obvious - $ $ HANG UP! $ $ $ $ What happens if your are caught? Congratulate $ $ yourself on being an asshole. The number of $ $ phreaks caught are so small that you have now $ $ qualified for membership in a really elite group $ $ of jerks. Inspector Bullshit now has several $ $ options. Grab your computer, this will be done no $ $ matter what. Grab your data files and any hard $ # copy you have laying around. This to help $ $ identify other subversives and also to supply $ $ incriminating information about you. Try to scare $ $ you into a confession. Standard operating $ $ procedure - keep your fucking mouth shut. You $ $ have nothing to gain by talking and a much to $ $ lose. If you're a minor÷you can forget about jail $ $ time, an adult is looking at a couple of weeks in $ $ the slam - may-be. Realize this, they don't $ $ really want your ass as much as they want THE $ $ MONEY. That's right boys and girls the buck talks $ $ loud and clear. If you're caught, you've broken $ $ every one of the IC's rules. At worst you're $ $ looking at a couple of thousand in phone bills. $ $ Get a lawyer to do your talking for you, that'll $ $ be about a five hundred dollar retainer. If the $ $ company is willing to settle for the money, and $ $ your computer, pay it - it's cheaper in the long $ $ run. If they want you in the kalaboose then fight $ $ it. As a first time offender the odds of you $ $ actually getting time is slim. Incidentally, $ $ Inspector Bullshit will drop a little extra on $ $ the bill for good measure. Have the attorney $ $ demand that they produce their records of all $ $ "alleged phone conversations". In fighting a $ $ phreaking case you'll want to have a jury trial. $ $ The technology behind the running of a trace is $ $ so complicated that even a half assed lawyer $ $ could confuse the average layman. He can make $ $ Inspector Bullshit describe switching down to $ $ atomic subparticles if he wants and by the time $ $ he gets to how a trace works the jury would be $ $ so confused that you'd skate on a "reasonable $ $ doubt". It would be interesting to see if a sharp $ $ shark could subpoena the actual equipment used to $ $ run the trace. I don't think that MCI would care $ $ to have one of their computers offline for the $ $ time it would take to have "independant" $ $ examiners checking out the functionality of the $ $ switching mechanisms. To phreak or not to phreak. $ $ It's a question only you can answer for yourself. $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$