(3796) Mon 29 Apr 91 0:27 By: David Cherubim To: Black Orchid Re: The New Order Of The Golden Dawn St: Sent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @PID: RA 1.01 241 @MSGID: 1:102/943 4dba060a THE THELEMIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN (Novus Ordo Aureae Aurora) In Association with Falcon Press and the Israel Regardie Foundation, Inc. 1626 N. Wilcox Ave. #418 Los Angeles, CA 90028 (213) 874-6339 CHIEF OFFICERS Christopher S. Hyatt (Frater Supreme Chief) Sir David Cherubim (Frater Superior Chief) Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. There is now emerging in the world a New Order of the Golden Dawn. It is a Magical Order dedicated to the vital perpetuation of the teachings of Aleister Crowley and Israel Regardie. It is a Royal Academy of Adepts who teach the Sacred Mysteries of Ceremonial Magick, Tantra, Alchemy, Qabalah, Tarot, Astrology, and Yoga. Its chief function is to initiate aspirants into the Royal Life of the Law of Thelema and to administer unto the wise the Secret of Secrets in the Holy of Holies. The New Order of the Golden Dawn is a Thelemic Organization devoted to the magical development of a New Race of free men and women who are consecrated to the Law of Thelema which is the Law of Liberty. Its members are pledged to the dynamic creation and essential establishment of a New Civilization governed by that One Law of the New Aeon of Horus, and their principal work is to uphold that obligation by fulfilling the Law itself, that is, by doing their own true Wills. The Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn now operates as an active International Organization under the direction and supervision of Christopher S. Hyatt and Sir David Cherubim of Falcon Press in association with the Israel Regardie Foundation, Inc. Initiation Ceremonies, Correspondence Lessons, Newsletters, Classes, etc., are available for interested aspirants. Call or write for further information. Love is the law, love under will. Frater Superior Chief --- @SEEN-BY 133/520 102/747 943 123/5 15 133/405 520 161/69 301/9 3602/42 @SEEN-BY 5004/0 7002/3001 9300/0 @PATH: 102/943 161/69 133/520 * Origin: Mysteria * Be ye mystic * (1:102/943.0)