Lessons in Faith - 2 ---------------- "Mom, why do we have go to church?" "We go to church to pray and worship God!" "But we can do that at home. I say my prayers before I go to bed, and Dad thanks God for food before supper." "At church we have fellowship with other people who ˙believe in God." "What is 'fellowship'?" "Fellowship is caring about other believers and sharing news about what God has done." "Is that like when I told my friend about Jesus?" "Not quite, ˙that is called witnessing. ˙Fellowship is ˙more like ˙going to a party where everyone knows your name, ˙˙everyone believes ˙in God and his son Jesus, ˙and everyone is always ready and ˙happy to help you in any way. ˙Everyone cares about what ˙is happening ˙in your life, ˙and is ready to listen if you ˙need ˙to talk, ˙˙and ready to pray with you about your or ˙someone ˙else's needs." "That ˙sounds like the Bible study you have here on Tuesdays with all those ladies!" "That's right! ˙We all share God in common, ˙and are ˙always ready to share him and what he has done!" "My teacher in Sunday School always asks 'What did God do in your ˙life this past week?' ˙Once Joey said that God gave him ˙an 'A' on his math quiz!" "Your Sunday School class is a fellowship!" "Mom, is fellowshiping important?" "Yes. ˙Without fellowship, ˙a ˙believer might start to ˙feel alone in the world. ˙Believers need to share, to know that God is working in our, and other people's lives." "Mom, ˙˙I ˙˙know it's Friday, ˙but could we go to church ˙to fellowship now?" LRH 11/09/85