$$$$ $$ $$$$ $ $ $$ $$ $ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$$$ $ $$ $$$ $$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$$$ $ $ $$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $$ $$ $$$$ $$$$$$ $ $$ $$$$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$ $$$ $$ $ $$ $ $$$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ $ $$$ $$ $$ $ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $ $$$ $ $$$ $$ $ $ $$ $$$ $ $ $$ $ $$$$ $ .oO[Issue #3]Oo. .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oO Contents ~~~~~~~~ [1] T-Shirt Info [2] Deadlocke's Mailbox [3] WTF? File List ~~~~~~~~~ phat2v63.irc PHAT/2 v63i Beta IRC Script delacr13.txt DELiRiUM Acronym List v1.3 mntscan .c Mountscan v1.0 smiley .dic Smiley Password Dictionary eleet .pas Eleet By TayX (tayx@ccnet.com) eleet .exe Eleet (Compiled) delshirt.gif The Delirium T-Shirt Layout E-Mail Address - delirium@cyberspace.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oO ...Delirium T-Shirt... If ya like the design we'll be pushing these at DefCon 3. XL, black, 50% cotten/polyester, $12. Or you can go down to your local screenprinter and make a bootleg. .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oO Date: 7:18 pm Mon Feb 27, 1995 Number : 46 of 50 From: Kid Jenious Base : Private Mail To : Silicon [)Ragon Refer #: None Subj: Re: Feedback Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local hehe.. think i'm some whitie?.. wellz.. you're clearly wrong.. i'm Chinese going to Berkeley High School.. affiliated with gangs such as SUB and TBT.. the only reason why i do this shit is because i think it's fun.. i enfor it.. besides my mom bought this computer out of her low salary pay check to make my ass happy.. hehe.. you swear you're all that.. besides i don't really mind whities like you talkin' shit because you guyz will never know whatsup in the real world.. oh wellz something you guyz will never have to fee.. not being accepted by whites and not being accepted in other groups because Azianz are the model minority.. we're out there on our own and in the computer world know one will know what race you are and how many crimes you've committed to get by day by day.. you swear i haven't been through enuf shit already.. i just like this computer shit because it might help me some day in life.. man fuck all this shit the whole fuckin world go to corruption some day ya know?.. KiD JENiOUS .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oO [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] whatcha up to? *** rma is rma@hertz.elee.calpoly.edu (Ron Ma) *** on irc via server harp.aix.calpoly.edu (The Mighty Morphin Cal Poly server...) *** rma has been idle for 2 seconds (0 minute(s)) <-[rma]-> ohh not much [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] hiya, pretty lady!!! 8) [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] hi, girl! are you in a playful mood? [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] hello? [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] are u from california <-[rma]-> yes [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] do you enjoy phonesexing? [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] hmmm? [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] hello? [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] how come you are not talking to me? what did i say? [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] what did i do wrong? <-[rma]-> leave me alone [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] but what did i do wrong? [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] just tell me christina...cuz lots of girls are saying the same thing [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] i don't know what i'mdoing wrong? <-[rma]-> its the phone sex thing.. [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] oh [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] oh i'm sorry then *** rma (rma@hertz.elee.calpoly.edu) has joined channel #delirium #DELiRiUM rma H rma@hertz.elee.calpoly.edu (0 Ron Ma) #DELiRiUM Christina H ~christina@ccnet3.ccnet.com (0 Christina Hall) #DELiRiUM MegORam H ~megan@sparta.SJSU.EDU (4 Meg O'Ram) will you please leave me alone but christina? fuckoff asshole are you horny? you know how hard it is to be me? girls like you can get it anytime guys like me are very desperate we have to suffer with horniness sometimes we never get satisfied you girls always get satisfied that's not fair...i'm very frustrated [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] i've been rejected so many times you know that? [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] my whole life is in irc [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] i've secluded myself from the outside world [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] where can i find good people *** rma has left channel #delirium *** rma (rma@hertz.elee.calpoly.edu) has joined channel #delirium talk to me christina what do you want now ? i'm still horny get your pathetic sorry ass, stupid, lame, perves pencil dick outa your head and LEAVE! i need to cum i'm not gonna leave till i cum at least you get the real thing i don't girls like you get it anytime you want when i finish masterbating i'm gonna get you back hold on... [rma:rma@elee.calpoly.edu] what u need is to get raped you fuckin bitch *** Signoff: rma (Leaving) .oO[ End Of Transmission ]Oo.