Article 2583 of rec.humor.funny: Path: samba!concert!gatech!emory!ogicse!!!!looking!funny-request From: Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny Subject: "For Everything...." Keywords: smirk, usenet, original Message-ID: Date: 10 Mar 93 08:25:01 GMT Article-I.D.: looking.S515.5177 Lines: 40 Approved: TRN, TRN, TRN or FOR EVERYTHING THERE IS A NEWSGROUP For everything, trn, trn, trn There is a newsgroup, trn, trn, trn And a thread for every subject under heaven A thread to be born, a thread to die A thread for excess, a thread for control-X A thread to kill, a thread to read A thread for a laugh, a thread for a weep A thread to follow up, a thread to fork off A thread to advance, a thread to scoff A thread to cast away .sigs A thread to gather .sigs together A thread of love, a thread of hate A thread of flames, a thread of peace A thread you may encode A thread to refrain from encoding A newsgroup to gain, a newsgroup to lose A thread neverending, a thread anew A thread you love, a thread you hate A time to unsubscribe, I swear it's not too late Many thanks to the lyrics WAIS server ( for the original, sung by Judy Collins on her Third Album!! -- Selected by Maddi Hausmann. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply. -- Selected by Maddi Hausmann. MAIL your joke (jokes ONLY) to This newsgroup is sponsored by ClariNet Communications Corp. The "executive moderator" is Brad Templeton.