Article 1200 of misc.misc: Xref: puukko junk:7428 misc.misc:1200 Path: puukko!santra!tut!enea!mcvax!uunet!husc6!cmcl2!phri!dasys1!tneff From: tneff@dasys1.UUCP (Tom Neff) Newsgroups: rec.humor,misc.misc Subject: Re: These 8-) (Let's see yours) Message-ID: <5028@dasys1.UUCP> Date: 17 Jun 88 16:27:37 GMT References: <656@inuxm.UUCP> <> Reply-To: tneff@dasys1.UUCP (Tom Neff) Organization: Independent Users Guild Lines: 6 My favorite is the Picasso Face: %\v -- Tom Neff UUCP: ...!cmcl2!phri!dasys1!tneff "None of your toys CIS: 76556,2536 MCI: TNEFF will function..." GEnie: TOMNEFF BIX: are you kidding? Article 1208 of misc.misc: Xref: puukko junk:7511 misc.misc:1208 Path: puukko!santra!tut!enea!mcvax!uunet!husc6!mailrus!ames!ucsd!ucsdhub!ucrmath!hope!slambo From: slambo@hope.UUCP (Sean Lamb) Newsgroups: rec.humor,misc.misc Subject: Re: These 8-) (Let's see yours) Message-ID: <308@ucrmath.UUCP> Date: 17 Jun 88 17:13:49 GMT References: <656@inuxm.UUCP> Sender: news@ucrmath.UUCP Reply-To: slambo@hope.UUCP (Sean Lamb) Organization: University of California, Riverside Lines: 49 In article <656@inuxm.UUCP> micl23@inuxm.UUCP (W E Miller) writes: > >It's interesting to see the different little smiley faces that people >insert into their articles. Here are some: > > :-) :-] 8^) :v0 :vO :vo ;-) ;-] 8') 8`) 8`o 8`O :-} X-( > > 8>) 8~} P-) (etc.) eyepatch over left eye B-) (etc.) glasses b-) (etc.) eyepatch over right eye R-) (etc.) wink with galsses S-) (etc.) crooked or broken glasses C-) (etc.) squinting cyclops p-) (etc.) monocle B-| (etc.) straight face (used with any eye combination) Q-) (etc.) winking cyclops O-) (etc.) cyclops L-) (etc.) funky hairdo T-) (etc.) funky glasses E-) (etc.) wide eyes H-) (etc.) cross-eyed Note: there are lots and lots more of these, just vary the first character to change the eyes, the second for the nose, and the third for the mouth. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Slambo (not affiliated with Rambo | Why would anyone want to listen or Yambo or anyone else whose name | to a puny little undergrad CS ends in "") | major in the first place? [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Article 1214 of misc.misc: Path: puukko!santra!tut!enea!mcvax!uunet!husc6!cmcl2!nrl-cmf!mailrus!ames!pasteur!ucbvax!decwrl!hplabs!hpda!hpcuhb!hpcllla!hpclisp!hpclskh!skh From: skh@hpclskh.HP.COM Newsgroups: misc.misc Subject: Re: These 8-) (Let's see yours) Message-ID: <1130002@hpclskh.HP.COM> Date: 16 Jun 88 18:31:50 GMT References: <656@inuxm.UUCP> Organization: HP NSG/ISD Computer Language Lab Lines: 1 [:-) smiley with headphones Article 1215 of misc.misc: Xref: puukko junk:7536 misc.misc:1215 Path: puukko!santra!tut!enea!mcvax!uunet!lll-winken!lll-tis!ames!necntc!dandelion!ulowell!bu-tyng!kleiner From: (ken kleiner) Newsgroups: rec.humor,misc.misc Subject: Re: These 8-) (Let's see yours) Message-ID: <> Date: 17 Jun 88 19:30:04 GMT References: <656@inuxm.UUCP> Reply-To: kleiner@bu-tyng.UUCP (Ken Kleiner) Organization: Boston University, Tyngsboro MA Lines: 143 Hi, Here is a c ompilation of faces I got off of the net last year.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ever get one of these along with one of your messages? In case you were in doubt to what they meant, here's their explanations. :-) humorous :-( be prepared for trouble (:-) messages dealing with bicycle helmets <:-) dumb questions oo somebody's head-lights are on messages O>-<|= messages of interest to women o>8<|= messages about interesting women ;-) wink ( take this message with a grain of salt) |-( late night messages :^) messages teasing people about their noses :-{#} messages teasing people about their braces - @= messages about nuclear war Thanks to Don Hopkins of Roosevelt H.S. for inventing these.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ...And here are a few more by M. Raccah (ZSMOSH@WEIZMANN) and Y. Pecht (CVPECHT@WEIZMANN)... More faces and funny messages!! (:-# Message concerning something that shouldnt have been said... (:-$ Message indicating person is ill... (:-& Message indicating person is angry... (:-* Kiss... (:+) Message concerning a big nose... (:=) Message concerning people with TWO noses (???) (:-\ Message indicating person is VERY sad... (:^( message concerning people with broken noses (:<) message concerning blabber mouths :-(=) message about people with big teeth. &:-) message from a person with curly hair @:-) message from a person with wavy hair ?-( about people with a black eye. *:* message about fuzzy things *:** message about fuzzy people with a fuzzy mustache %-) message about people with broken glasses +<:-| message from a monk/nun... {0-) message from cyclops... (:-D message cocerning another blabber mouth... (:-|K- formal message. B-) message from Batman !!! =0== - message about mexican on a railroad! =t== - message about mexican run over by train. @%&$%&$\&*@%$#@ - you know what that means... ---...--- - S.O.S Designed, Planned and otherwise electricuted by The Gracious M. Raccah and Venerable Y. Pecht ---------------------------------------------------------------- ...And these were provided to us from M. Sipper (5874613@TECHUNIX) <{:-)} message in a bottle... <:-)<<| message from a space rocket... (:-... heart-breaking message... >|-> message from China... <<<<(:-) message from a hat sales-man... (O--< a fishy message... (8-) message from a person wearing glasses... (:>-< message from a thief: hands up! Date: 13 Jun 88 19:58:31 GMT Organization: AT&T Consumer Products, Indianapolis Lines: 15 It's interesting to see the different little smiley faces that people insert into their articles. Here are some: :-) :-] 8^) :v0 :vO :vo ;-) ;-] 8') 8`) 8`o 8`O :-} X-( 8>) 8~} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | William E. Miller : : : | | AT&T CPL INH1E505 : (317) 845-6847 : (317) 247-7321 : Relax....I'm only | | 6612 E. 75th St : (317) 845-3882 : (home) : dogmatic when I'm | | P.O. BOX 1008 : (office) : (leave message): right! | | Indpls IN 46206 : : : 8^) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------