This file contains frequencies in use in the state of Arizona for the various forest services. The list includes BLM, State land and the national forest. If anyone has any information to update this list please let me know. CIS:75500,727 ARIZONA FOREST SERVICES Natl. Forest Region 1 F1 168.05 Kaibab Natl. 169.90 Boise F3 168.10 Sitgraves Natl. 169.875 Air Net air tanker dispatch 168.625 Plane-Plane air tankers 119.975 BLM F3 168.25 Kaibab Natl. 170.55 BLM Phoenix dispatch 168.30 Plane-Plane air tankers 122.925 BLM 169.40 Az. State Land Fire F1 151.415 Tonto Natl. F3,F4 fireground 170.50 Air Net Guard/Prescott F3 168.675 Plane-Plane air tankers 118.925 Plane-Plane 119.95 Tonto F2 168.725 Gila Natl. 169.175 Plane-Plane air tankers 118.95 ?? 168.15 Sitgraves Natl. 169.95 Coronado Natl. F2 170.525 Plane-Plane 121.05 Coconino Natl. F2 172.30 Az State Land F2 151.40 Coronado Natl. 169.60 Gila Natl. 169.975 Tonto Natl. Disp. 411.375 White River Natl. 169.925 Prescott Natl F1 168.175 Service & supply NET 164.60 Region 1 F2 168.20 ?? 414.65 BLM Air 168.55 ?? 410.775 Tonto Natl. F7 168.35 Coconino Natl. fire F1 171.55