From: (Paul Vojta) Newsgroups: Subject: Old PC's and hard disks (a solution) Date: 28 Feb 88 06:57:33 GMT In the past few weeks I have seen a number of postings concerning the problem of installing a hard disk in an old PC-1, given the fact that IBM has stopped selling its ROM upgrade (or is still selling it for $60, depending on what you read). In any case, I am writing to share with you the solution that I have been using for the past several years, which involves creating a floppy with a modified boot record. On all PC's, the computer first tries to read and execute a record from the floppy drive before trying to boot up from the hard disk. Usually this record contains a very small program which reads DOS from the floppy and starts it running. With my special floppy, however, the small program on the boot record initializes the hard disk and loads DOS from the hard drive instead. This modified boot record also has the following feature. If you set your DIP switches to indicate that the computer has only 64K of memory, then the boot record will automatically determine how much memory your system actually has (up to 640K) and set its internal parameters accordingly. This both avoids a lengthy memory check and allows you to expand to 640K (instead of 512K). To put this boot record on a given floppy disk, first edit out the listing at the end of this posting. Let's say it's in a file called "FOO." To modify a given floppy, put the diskette into drive A: and type "DEBUG %-->%-->%---- l 100 0 0 1 a 100 jmp 0136 a 136 xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,7c00 sti mov byte ptr [0440],01 mov ax,[0413] cmp ax,0040 jg 016f mov cl,06 shl ax,cl cmp ax,a000 jnb 016f mov es,ax xor di,di stosw es: cmp ax,[di-02] jnz 016f mov cx,01ff repz stosw inc word ptr [0413] add ax,0040 jmp 0151 cmp byte ptr [004f],c8 jz 017b call c800:0003 xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov si,7c00 mov di,7e00 mov cx,0100 cld repz movsw jmp 0390 test byte ptr [0417],08 jz 01bd cld mov si,7edb lodsb cmp al,00 jz 01ab mov ah,0e mov bx,0007 push si int 10 pop si jmp 019b mov ah,01 int 16 pushf mov ah,00 int 16 popf jnz 01ab mov word ptr [7ed9],0000 mov ax,0201 mov bx,7c00 mov cx,0001 mov dx,[7ed9] int 13 jb 01bd in al,21 and al,fe out 21,al jmp 0000:7c00 dw 80 db 'Insert DOS floppy and strike any key when ready.',d,a,0 w 100 0 0 1 q