AST RESEARCH TECHNICAL BULLETIN TB-0214A 09/19/86 PATCH TO ACCESS THE LEARN MENU ON TANDY 1000 While the Tandy 1000 appears to be a very IBM compatible machine in most respects, it appears that there is a difference with respect to the keyboard such that users cannot bring up the DESQview Learn menu on the Tandy 1000. This feature is accessed by holding down the shift key and then tapping the Alt key. This problem does not seem to occur on the Tandy 1200. Tandy 1000 users who want to be able to access the Learn menu should be able to do so by installing the following patch. It redefines the activating key sequence to Control-Alt. Users who are experiencing similar problems on other compatibles may find this will work for them also. To create the patched DESQview file, you will need a copy of the DOS utility DEBUG.COM. This can be found on your DOS Supplemental directory. The patch: 1. Copy your DV.EXE file to a backup file. In case the patch doesn't work, you can restore the original and you will be no worse off. C:\dv>COPY DV.EXE DVBACK.EXE 2. Rename your DV.EXE to DV.XXX so that it may be patched. This is necessary so that DEBUG will load the file properly. C:\dv>REN DV.EXE DV.XXX 3. Enter DEBUG using the DV.XX parameter. C:\dv>DEBUG DV.XXX Debug will load the program and present you with a hyphen as a prompt. To this prompt, type an "R" and hit the Enter key. You will be presented with a display similar to the one shown below. It is not necessary that you understand this (aren't you glad?). -R AX=0000 BX=0001 CX=BBAO DX=0000 SP=FFEE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000 DS=???? ES=1F87 SS=1F87 CS=1F87 IP=0100 NV UP DI PL NZ NA PO NC 1F87:0100 4D DEC BP 4. In the space following the "DS=" in your display, which in the example above contains "????", you will see four alpha- numeric characters. Take note of these characters and to the hyphen prompt, type "H" followed by a space, when the number following the "DS=", then another space and "1000" as illustrated below. Follow this by hitting the Enter key and you will see two sets of characters shown below as "XXXX" and "YYYY". Only the "XXXX" will be used for the patch. -H ???? 1000 XXXX YYYY 5. Now to the hyphen prompt type "S", the four characters shown in "XXXX" above and ":0 FFF0 F6 06 17 00 03" as shown below and hit the Enter key. -SXXXX:0 FFF0 F6 06 17 00 03 ????:???? 6. Debug should return two sets of four characters each separated by a colon. This is shown above as "????:????". If DEBUG returns to the hyphen prompt without returning this set of characters, this patch will not work on your copy of DESQview and you should type "Q" and hit Enter to quit DEBUG. If it did return the characters, continue: To the hyphen prompt, type "E" followed by the characters shown above as "????:????" Then hit the Enter key. DEBUG will respond with a line ending with "F6" and an underline cursor. Press the space bar and a "06" will appear as shown below. Keep pressing the space bar until "03" appears with an underline prompt following it. To this prompt, type "04" and then hit the Enter key. -E????:???? ????:???? F6. 06. 17. ????:???? 00. 03.04 7. Debug will return to the hyphen prompt. To this prompt, type "W" and hit the Enter key. Your disk will light up and Debug will indicate that it is writing a given number of bytes that may or may not match the example below. -W Writing 1BBA0 bytes 8. At this point, the patch is complete and the file has been written to disk. Return to DOS by typing "Q" and hitting return. -Q C:\DV>REN DV.XXX DV.EXE 9. Finally, rename DV.XXX to DV.EXE (shown above) and then enter DESQview. If your patch has been successful, you should now be able to access the Learn menu by holding down the Control key and tapping the Alt. If the patch does not work, delete DV.EXE and try again using the DVBACK.EXE file.