AST RESEARCH TECHNICAL BULLETIN TB-0046 8-21-84 REBOOTING AN IBM PC FROM A BATCH FILE When using SUPERSPL or SUPERDRV, a specified amount of memory is extracted from system use. The only way to return the memory for system use is to reboot DOS, because of the lack of support from DOS. This may be undesirable for those who wish to operate under batch files or menus. Below is a procedure to create REBOOT.COM, a program when executed will reboot the machine. To create REBOOT.COM, enter the following at the DOS prompt: DEBUG N REBOOT.COM A 100 MOV AX, 0040 MOV DS, AX DS: MOV WORD PTR [0072], 1234 JMP FFFF: 0000 R CX 11 W Q You now have a file called REBOOT.COM on the default disk. To reboot, just enter the name REBOOT at the DOS prompt, or in a batch file.