* New Echo: False Memory Syndrome by David Bloomberg, 1:2430/1 FMS: The False Memory Syndrome Echo Do huge satanic conspiracies pervade the country and abuse children? Are aliens regularly abducting people but forcing them to forget all about it? Do children routinely forget horrible extended abuse perpetrated on them by their relatives? All of these claims stem from one source: Repressed memories. There are therapists across the country who will tell you that they can help "recover" these memories. Numerous books have been written. Some books encourage people to beieve that they've been abused, even if there is no indication that any such thing ever happened. New books are coming out saying that these other books are full of baloney, and that recovered memories are false memories. Yet other books are saying that claims of false memories are the baloney, and that recovered memories are real. So who is right? There are other echos on FidoNet which deal with some of these claims specifically. UFO, I_UFO, and BAMA deal with claims of alien abductions, among others, and allow varying degrees of debate on the subject, but they don't address all of the aspects of this phenomena. There are numerous "survivor" echos, but none allow any form of debate (to my knowledge), only "support" without "invalidating". Unfortunately, many of those who believe in these phenomena consider any questioning of claims or asking for evidence to be "invalidating". Again, these also only address one aspect of the phenomena. So where can a FidoNetter go to discuss the entire gamut? The SKEPTIC echo is currently available, but frankly we don't want to overflow that echo with one single topic, even though it is a very important topic. Well, now there is an echo specifically for discussion and debate of all the aspects of this phenomenon. The FMS echo (for False Memory Syndrome) has been available for a couple months, and has been steadily growing. Now it's time to bring it up to the backbone. For that we need some more nodes. Here is the EchoList description of the FMS echo: This echo is for the discussion of False Memory Syndrome (FMS) and related topics, including those phenomena thought to be caused by FMS. All viewpoints are welcome, both pro and con, but don't be surprised if you are asked to back up your claims with evidence. The implications of FMS, as well as the evidence, are on-topic. Yes, ALL viewpoints are welcome on the echo. Please don't assume that the echo tag of "FMS" means only the pro-FMS view is allowed. This is a subject which needs to be critically and rationally examined; there are already too many baseless claims flying around. People are being hurt by the "recovered" memories. Not only the parents and others who are accused, but also the patients. If the memories are untrue, their lives are being ruined. If the memories are true, we have a veritable epidemic on our hands and we have to do something about it. The FMS echo is currently hubbed out of the founder/moderator's node, The Temples of Syrinx, 1:2430/1. It can also be obtained from the following nodes: 374/14, 102/890, 124/9005, 130/911, and 268/102. For a copy of the rules, FReq FMS.RUL from 2430/1. You might also want to FReq FILES for my filelist, which includes over 100 files related to FMS, many of which have been distributed on the FMS echo. For the entire file set, FReq FMS, but be ready for an increase in your long distance bill! If you'd like more information, please feel free to contact me!