THE COLLOSUS SOO RESOURCE NET (CSRNET) 11:11/0 aka 1:222/21 This is a listing of the INTERNET/USENET Conferences that CSRNet currently has access to. It is the same as the USENET- .CON file, but is represented in a tree structure. When re- ferring to a specific conference from this list, please pro- vide the name and number of the conference. alt (1613) ÃÄfractals (3) ³ ÀÄpictures (904) ÃÄactivism (5) ³ ÀÄd (1002) ÃÄalien ³ ÃÄvisitors (6) ³ ÀÄvampire ³ ÀÄflonk ³ ÀÄflonk ³ ÀÄflonk (1620) ÃÄangst (7) ³ ÀÄxibo (1293) ÃÄaquaria (8) ÃÄartcom (9) ÃÄatheism (10) ³ ÀÄmoderated (1482) ÃÄbbs (11) ³ ÃÄads (12) ³ ÃÄwaffle (13) ³ ÃÄinternet (896) ³ ÃÄlists (923) ³ ³ ÀÄd (924) ³ ÃÄallsysop (1089) ³ ÃÄallsysup (1195) ³ ÃÄuupcb (1359) ³ ÃÄunixbbs (1456) ³ ³ ÀÄuniboard (1641) ³ ÀÄmetal (2090) ÃÄbirthright (14) ÃÄcalifornia (15) ÃÄcallahans (16) ÃÄcensorship (17) ÃÄchild-support (18) ÃÄco-ops (19) ÃÄcobol (20) ÃÄconfig (21) ÃÄconspiracy (22) ³ ÀÄjfk (1290) ÃÄcosuard (23) ÃÄcult-movies (24) ÃÄcyb-sys (25) ÃÄcyberpunk (26) ³ ÃÄmovement (27) ³ ÃÄtech (28) ³ ÀÄchatsubo (887) ÃÄcyberspace (29) ÃÄcybertoon (30) ÃÄdreams (31) ÃÄdrugs (32) ³ ÀÄusenet (1296) ÃÄemusic (33) ÃÄevil (34) ÃÄexotic-music (35) ÃÄfan ³ ÃÄmonty-python (36) ³ ÃÄfurry (920) ³ ÃÄwarlord (1014) ³ ÃÄtom_peterson (1022) ³ ÃÄrush-limbaugh (1025) ³ ÃÄhoward-stern (1093) ³ ÃÄfrank-zappa (1124) ³ ÃÄdan-quayle (1135) ³ ÃÄdouglas-adams (1199) ³ ÃÄnathan ³ ³ ÀÄbrazil (1265) ³ ÃÄmst3k (1267) ³ ÃÄren-and-stimpy (1268) ³ ÃÄitchy-n-scratchy (1270) ³ ÃÄpratchett (1275) ³ ÃÄtom-robbins (1278) ³ ÃÄjohn-palmer (1297) ³ ÃÄbiff (1298) ³ ÃÄjimmy-buffett (1339) ³ ÃÄvic-reeves (1341) ³ ÃÄshostakovich (1370) ³ ÃÄbruce-becker (1377) ³ ÃÄbill-fenner (1381) ³ ÃÄdave_barry (1382) ³ ÃÄmike-jittlov (1383) ³ ÃÄkevin-darcy (1411) ³ ÃÄeddings (1414) ³ ÃÄbugtown (1420) ³ ÃÄpiers-anthony (1429) ³ ÃÄaspirin (1443) ³ ÃÄgene-scott (1467) ³ ÃÄletterman (1514) ³ ÃÄdisney ³ ³ ÀÄafternoon (1522) ³ ÃÄholmes (1532) ³ ÃÄmatt ³ ³ ÀÄwelsh (1563) ³ ÃÄlemurs (1568) ³ ÃÄwoody-allen (1570) ³ ÃÄjames-bond (1571) ³ ÃÄmadonna (1577) ³ ÃÄsteve-zeller (1583) ³ ÃÄchris-elliiott (1584) ³ ÃÄspinal-tap (1589) ³ ÃÄrun-dmc (1599) ³ ÃÄmaria-callas (1632) ³ ÃÄtolkien (1936) ³ ÃÄgoons (1952) ³ ÃÄq (1962) ³ ÃÄpern (1965) ³ ÃÄgooley (2009) ³ ÃÄalok ³ ³ ÀÄvijayvargia (2046) ³ ÃÄsuicide-squid (2047) ³ ÃÄwodehouse (2048) ³ ÃÄoingo ³ ³ ÀÄboingo (2087) ³ ÀÄdavid-sternlight (2096) ÃÄfax (37) ³ ÀÄbondage (1301) ÃÄfishing (38) ÃÄflame (39) ³ ÃÄspelling (40) ³ ÀÄeternal (1384) ÃÄfolklore ³ ÃÄcomputers (41) ³ ÃÄurban (42) ³ ÃÄscience (1263) ³ ÃÄcollege (1283) ³ ÀÄghost-stories (1507) ÃÄgourmand (47) ÃÄforgery (43) ÃÄfusion (44) ÃÄgambling (45) ÃÄgames ³ ÃÄgb (46) ³ ÃÄxtrek (1130) ³ ÃÄtorg (1131) ³ ÃÄsf2 (1337) ³ ÃÄgalactic-bloodshed (1385) ³ ÃÄlynx (1416) ³ ÃÄmornington ³ ³ ÀÄcresent (1425) ³ ÃÄfrp ³ ³ ÀÄlive-action (1576) ³ ÃÄvideo ³ ³ ÀÄclassic (1625) ³ ÃÄomega (2016) ³ ÀÄvga-planets (2049) ÃÄpagan (50) ÃÄpeeves (52) ÃÄpersonals (54) ³ ÃÄbondage (1081) ³ ÃÄmisc (1133) ³ ÃÄads (1440) ³ ÀÄpoly (1513) ÃÄpolitics ³ ÃÄhomosexuality (55) ³ ÃÄcorrect (1206) ³ ÃÄelections (1338) ³ ÃÄbritish (1352) ³ ÃÄperot (1447) ³ ÃÄmarrou (1452) ³ ÃÄgooley (1455) ³ ÃÄclinton (1464) ³ ÃÄkilbo (1466) ³ ÃÄbush (1470) ³ ÃÄdemocrats ³ ³ ÃÄd (1515) ³ ³ ÃÄclinton (1516) ³ ³ ÀÄhouse (1517) ³ ÃÄsenate (1518) ³ ÃÄdemocrates ³ ³ ÃÄgovernors (1519) ³ ³ ÀÄd (1520) ³ ÃÄusa ³ ³ ÃÄmisc (1526) ³ ³ ÀÄconstitution (1527) ³ ÃÄreform (1528) ³ ÃÄlibertarian (1529) ³ ÃÄorg ³ ³ ÃÄmisc (1530) ³ ³ ÀÄun (1604) ³ ÃÄeurope ³ ³ ÀÄmisc (1557) ³ ÃÄec (1558) ³ ÃÄsex (1602) ³ ÃÄeconomics (1603) ³ ÃÄmedia (1605) ³ ÃÄequality (1606) ³ ÃÄitaly (1622) ³ ÃÄvietnamese (1633) ³ ÃÄgreens (1637) ³ ÀÄradical-left (2058) ÃÄpostmodern (59) ÃÄprose (60) ³ ÀÄd (62) ÃÄrecovery (72) ÃÄgraphics (73) ³ ÀÄpixutils (74) ÃÄreligion ³ ÃÄcomputers (75) ³ ÃÄemacs (1074) ³ ÃÄscientology (1092) ³ ÃÄkibology (1215) ³ ÃÄall-worlds (1289) ³ ÃÄadm3a (1387) ³ ÃÄsabaean (1536) ³ ÀÄsantaism (1629) ÃÄrestaurants (77) ÃÄrissa (79) ÃÄgreat-lakes (80) ÃÄhackers (81) ³ ÀÄmalicious (1451) ÃÄhorror (82) ³ ÃÄwerewolves (1601) ³ ÀÄcthulhu (1937) ÃÄhypertext (83) ÃÄindividualism (84) ÃÄkids-talk (85) ÃÄlang ³ ÃÄcfutures (86) ³ ÃÄintercal (91) ³ ÃÄteco (956) ³ ÃÄml (1012) ³ ÃÄasm (1013) ³ ÃÄbasic (1213) ³ ÀÄawk (2088) ÃÄrock-n-roll (87) ³ ÃÄmetal (88) ³ ³ ÃÄheavy (1035) ³ ³ ÃÄmetallica (1291) ³ ³ ÃÄprogressive (1469) ³ ³ ÃÄgnr (1548) ³ ³ ÀÄironmaiden (2059) ³ ÃÄacdc (1310) ³ ÃÄhard (1403) ³ ÃÄsymphonic (1596) ³ ÀÄclassic (1597) ÃÄromance (92) ³ ÀÄchat (968) ÃÄmodels (94) ÃÄsca (97) ÃÄsecurity (101) ³ ÃÄindex (105) ³ ÃÄpgp (1547) ³ ÀÄripem (1934) ÃÄmsdos ³ ÀÄprogrammer (102) ÃÄmud (103) ³ ÃÄtiny (104) ³ ÃÄlp (1090) ³ ÃÄgerman (1205) ³ ÀÄt-rev ³ ÀÄstomp ³ ÀÄstomp ³ ÀÄstomp (1607) ÃÄsewing (106) ÃÄsex (110) ³ ÃÄbestiality (112) ³ ³ ÀÄhamster (1378) ³ ÃÄbondage (113) ³ ³ ÀÄparticle (1360) ³ ÃÄpictures (897) ³ ³ ÃÄd (903) ³ ³ ÃÄfemale (1146) ³ ³ ÀÄmale (1379) ³ ÃÄmotss (1019) ³ ÃÄsounds (1036) ³ ÃÄmovies (1114) ³ ÃÄnot (1125) ³ ÃÄwizards (1281) ³ ÃÄcarasso (1366) ³ ÃÄboredom (1390) ³ ÃÄstories (1444) ³ ³ ÀÄd (1405) ³ ÃÄnudels ³ ³ ÀÄme ³ ³ ÀÄtoo (1415) ³ ÃÄwoody-allen (1509) ³ ÃÄtrans (1578) ³ ÃÄabuse ³ ³ ÀÄrecovery ³ ³ ÀÄd (1631) ³ ÃÄwanted (1951) ³ ÃÄmasturbation (1964) ³ ÀÄhomosexual (2061) ÃÄnative (111) ÃÄskate (114) ÃÄskinheads (116) ÃÄslack (117) ³ ÀÄbob (1392) ÃÄsociety ³ ÃÄcu-digest (118) ³ ÃÄcivil-liberties (1144) ³ ÃÄcivil-liberty (1187) ³ ÃÄsovereign (1200) ³ ÃÄfoia (1284) ³ ÃÄfutures (1347) ³ ÃÄati (1357) ³ ÃÄetrnl ³ ³ ÀÄvigilanc (1361) ³ ÃÄcivil-disob (1438) ³ ÃÄrevolution (1439) ³ ÀÄanarchy (1537) ÃÄsource-code (119) ÃÄsources (120) ³ ÃÄamiga (121) ³ ³ ÀÄd (1343) ³ ÃÄd (122) ³ ÃÄindex (123) ³ ÃÄpatches (124) ³ ÀÄwanted (125) ÃÄstartrek ³ ÀÄcreative (126) ÃÄstupidity (127) ÃÄsuicide ³ ÃÄholiday (128) ³ ÀÄfinals (1307) ÃÄsurfing (129) ÃÄsys ³ ÃÄpc532 (130) ³ ÃÄsun (131) ³ ÃÄamiga ³ ³ ÃÄuucp (966) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄpatches (1211) ³ ³ ÀÄdemos (1639) ³ ÃÄintergraph (1021) ³ ÃÄunisys (1304) ³ ÀÄpdp8 (1585) ÃÄtasteless (132) ³ ÃÄpictures (1112) ³ ÀÄjokes (1559) ÃÄtennis (134) ÃÄtest (135) ÃÄtoolkits ³ ÀÄxview (136) ÃÄtv ³ ÃÄmuppets (137) ³ ÃÄprisoner (138) ³ ÃÄsimpsons (139) ³ ³ ÀÄitchy-scratchy (1274) ³ ÃÄtwin-peaks (141) ³ ÃÄtiny-toon (962) ³ ³ ÀÄplucky-duck (1550) ³ ÃÄantagonists (1007) ³ ÃÄren-n-stimpy (1269) ³ ÃÄmst3k (1273) ³ ÃÄla-law (1309) ³ ÃÄdinosaurs (1355) ³ ³ ÀÄbarney (2067) ³ ÃÄred-dwarf (1406) ³ ÃÄseinfeld (1445) ³ ÃÄ90210 (1493) ³ ÃÄmelrose-place (1494) ³ ÃÄfifteen (1495) ³ ÃÄbh90210 (1499) ³ ÃÄnorthern-exp (1523) ³ ÃÄinfomercials (1598) ³ ÃÄliquid-tv (1615) ³ ÃÄbabylon-5 (2065) ³ ÃÄbeakmans-world (2066) ³ ÃÄmash (2068) ³ ÀÄmwc (2085) ÃÄgraffiti (881) ÃÄthrash (882) ÃÄunix ³ ÀÄwizards (883) ÃÄsupport (889) ³ ÃÄdiet (1324) ³ ÃÄcancer (1351) ³ ÃÄbig-folks (1432) ³ ÀÄmult-sclerosis (1506) ÃÄparty (892) ÃÄbinaries ³ ÃÄmultimedia (895) ³ ÃÄpictures (1066) ³ ³ ÃÄd (1072) ³ ³ ÃÄtasteless (1147) ³ ³ ÃÄerotica (1151) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄd (1152) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄmale (1154) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄfemale (1155) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄblondes (1193) ³ ³ ÃÄfractals (1153) ³ ³ ÃÄmisc (1156) ³ ³ ÃÄfine-art ³ ³ ³ ÃÄd (1426) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄgraphics (1427) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄdigitized (1428) ³ ³ ÃÄutilities (1431) ³ ³ ÀÄsupermodels (2041) ³ ÀÄsounds ³ ÃÄd (1157) ³ ÃÄmisc (1158) ³ ÀÄerotica (1294) ÃÄsport ³ ÃÄbungee (902) ³ ÃÄpaintball (972) ³ ÃÄlasertag (1115) ³ ÃÄdarts (1190) ³ ÃÄbowling (1272) ³ ÀÄpool (2062) ÃÄbooks ³ ÃÄtechnical (906) ³ ÃÄreviews (1413) ³ ÀÄanne-rice (2042) ÃÄtext ³ ÀÄdwb (911) ÃÄparanormal (917) ÃÄmagic (921) ÃÄhumor ³ ÀÄoracle (925) ÃÄcd-rom (954) ÃÄdesert-storm (955) ³ ÀÄfacts (958) ÃÄdcom ³ ÃÄtelecom (957) ³ ÀÄcatv (1111) ÃÄcomp ³ ÃÄcompression (967) ³ ÀÄacad-freedom ³ ÃÄtalk (1059) ³ ÀÄnews (1060) ÃÄirc (971) ³ ÃÄrecovery (1257) ³ ÃÄcorruption (1512) ³ ÀÄircii (1555) ÃÄstupid ³ ÀÄputz (983) ³ ÀÄgritzner (1393) ÃÄamiga ³ ÀÄdemos (986) ÃÄrush-limbaugh (992) ÃÄrap (996) ÃÄprivacy (1006) ÃÄtla (1016) ÃÄmagick (1034) ÃÄusage ³ ÀÄenglish (1043) ÃÄsave ³ ÀÄthe ³ ÀÄearth (1047) ÃÄindustrial (1048) ³ ÀÄcomputing (1368) ÃÄsnowmobiles (1050) ÃÄmessianic (1051) ÃÄsci ³ ÃÄastro ³ ³ ÃÄfits (1061) ³ ³ ÃÄaips (1311) ³ ³ ÀÄfigaro (1358) ³ ÃÄphysics ³ ³ ÃÄnew-theories (1223) ³ ³ ÀÄacoustics (1266) ³ ÀÄplanetary (1534) ÃÄpsychoactives (1073) ÃÄsexual ³ ÀÄabuse ³ ÀÄrecovery (1078) ÃÄdiscrimination (1080) ÃÄskate-board (1099) ÃÄastrology (1106) ÃÄbeer (1109) ÃÄeducation ³ ÃÄdistance (1136) ³ ÃÄdisabled (1345) ³ ÀÄbangkok (1533) ³ ÃÄcmc (1538) ³ ÃÄtheory (1539) ³ ÃÄplanning (1540) ³ ÃÄresearch (1541) ³ ÃÄdatabases (1542) ³ ÀÄstudent (1543) ÃÄcad (1140) ³ ÀÄautocad (1139) ÃÄdads-rights (1141) ÃÄmissing-kids (1142) ÃÄsports ³ ÀÄdarts (1189) ÃÄgothic (1191) ÃÄtoon-pics (1194) ÃÄgorets (1207) ÃÄsatanism (1208) ÃÄpulp (1209) ÃÄbacchus (1214) ÃÄtrue ³ ÀÄcrime (1219) ÃÄwar (1220) ³ ÃÄcivil (1401) ³ ÀÄvietnam (1551) ÃÄwhine (1222) ÃÄmythology (1224) ÃÄarchery (1227) ÃÄtrue-crime (1228) ÃÄmanga (1238) ÃÄparents-teens (1239) ÃÄgalactic-guide (1240) ÃÄusenet ³ ÀÄrecovery (1258) ÃÄoverlords (1259) ÃÄpcnews (1260) ÃÄos ³ ÃÄlinux (1261) ³ ÀÄnachos (1590) ÃÄmotorcycles ³ ÀÄharley (1262) ÃÄ3d (1264) ÃÄrave (1271) ÃÄlocksmithing (1276) ÃÄmcdonalds (1277) ³ ÃÄdrink (1325) ³ ÃÄketchup (1326) ³ ÀÄvegmite (1330) ÃÄfreedom ³ ÀÄof ³ ÀÄinformation ³ ÀÄact (1279) ÃÄgopher (1280) ÃÄconference-ctr (1282) ÃÄfandom ³ ÃÄmisc (1285) ³ ÀÄcons (1286) ÃÄheraldry ³ ÀÄsca (1287) ÃÄautos ³ ÃÄantique (1288) ³ ÀÄrod-n-custom (1582) ÃÄalt (1292) ÃÄcolorguard (1295) ÃÄnational ³ ÀÄenquirer (1299) ÃÄnewgroup (1300) ÃÄketchup (1302) ÃÄnoise (1303) ÃÄweemba (1305) ÃÄwho ³ ÀÄis ³ ÀÄbob (1306) ÃÄmusic ³ ÃÄalternative (1308) ³ ÃÄenya (1342) ³ ÃÄfilk (1354) ³ ÃÄkaraoke (1356) ³ ÃÄrush (1363) ³ ÃÄthe ³ ³ ÀÄpolice (1364) ³ ÃÄcategory-freak (1371) ³ ÃÄprogressive (1404) ³ ÃÄqueen (1437) ³ ÃÄhardcore (1586) ³ ÃÄtmbg (1591) ³ ÃÄska (1627) ³ ÀÄmarillion (2092) ÃÄguitar (1312) ³ ÃÄbass (1402) ³ ÀÄtab (1430) ÃÄwaves (1313) ÃÄflack (1314) ÃÄsb ³ ÀÄprogrammer (1315) ÃÄinet92 (1316) ÃÄradio ³ ÃÄscanner (1317) ³ ÀÄpirate (1334) ÃÄbusiness ³ ÀÄmulti-level (1318) ÃÄculture ³ ÃÄtuva (1319) ³ ÃÄtamil (1398) ³ ÃÄusenet (1446) ³ ÃÄus ³ ³ ÀÄasian-indian (1458) ³ ÃÄkerala (1483) ³ ÃÄkarnataka (1505) ³ ÃÄindonesia (1574) ³ ÃÄalaska (1594) ³ ÃÄoregon (1595) ³ ÃÄny-upstate (1630) ³ ÀÄelectric-midget (2024) ÃÄfood (1320) ³ ÃÄmcdonalds (1321) ³ ÃÄcocacola (1322) ³ ÀÄdennys (1496) ÃÄabortion ³ ÀÄinequity (1323) ÃÄmcdonalds-cheese (1327) ÃÄmcdonalds-gripes (1328) ÃÄmcdonalds-nonus (1329) ÃÄmcdonalds-food (1331) ÃÄmcdonalds-policy (1332) ÃÄmcdonalds-smut (1333) ÃÄcomedy ³ ÀÄbritish (1335) ÃÄnews-media (1336) ÃÄdrumcorps (1340) ÃÄdesert-thekurds (1344) ÃÄrmgroup (1346) ÃÄself-improve (1348) ÃÄstagecraft (1349) ÃÄspam ³ ÀÄtin (1350) ÃÄwall (1353) ÃÄcomics ³ ÃÄbuffalo-roam (1362) ³ ÃÄlnh (1545) ³ ÀÄsuperman (1546) ÃÄmeditation ³ ÀÄtranscendental (1365) ÃÄmindcontrol (1367) ÃÄcascade (1369) ÃÄallsysop (1372) ÃÄals (1373) ÃÄbackrubs (1374) ÃÄboomerang (1375) ÃÄdesert ³ ÃÄshield (1376) ³ ÀÄtoppings (2023) ÃÄeef-talk (1380) ÃÄrap-gdead (1386) ÃÄrevisionism (1388) ÃÄrhode_island (1389) ÃÄsilly ³ ÀÄgroup ³ ÀÄnames ³ ÀÄd (1391) ÃÄwee ³ ÀÄwillie ³ ÀÄwisner (1394) ÃÄwpi ³ ÀÄnegativland ³ ÀÄsubgenii ³ ÀÄfor ³ ÀÄrent (1395) ÃÄx-headers ³ ÀÄoverboard (1396) ÃÄgathering ³ ÀÄrainbow (1397) ÃÄrodney ³ ÀÄdangerfield (1399) ÃÄrodney-king (1400) ÃÄsigma2 ³ ÃÄheight (1407) ³ ÀÄpenis (1468) ÃÄpub ³ ÃÄdragons-inn (1408) ³ ÃÄhavens-rest (1617) ³ ÀÄcloven-shield (1626) ÃÄearth_summit (1409) ÃÄsoft-sys ³ ÀÄtooltalk (1412) ÃÄbest ³ ÀÄof ³ ÀÄinternet (1417) ÃÄfashion (1418) ÃÄdivination (1419) ÃÄplanning ³ ÀÄurban (1421) ÃÄappalachian (1422) ÃÄpolyamory (1423) ÃÄcurrent-events ³ ÃÄinet92 (1424) ³ ÃÄsomalia (1621) ³ ÃÄblizzard-of-93 (2043) ³ ÀÄwtc-explosion (2044) ÃÄconsciousness (1433) ÃÄuu ³ ÃÄfuture (1434) ³ ÃÄlang ³ ³ ÃÄmisc (1473) ³ ³ ÀÄesperanto ³ ³ ÀÄmisc (1476) ³ ÃÄmath ³ ³ ÀÄmisc (1474) ³ ÃÄcomp ³ ³ ÀÄmisc (1475) ³ ÃÄvirtual-worlds ³ ³ ÀÄmisc (1477) ³ ÃÄtools (1478) ³ ÃÄannounce (1479) ³ ÀÄmisc ³ ÀÄmisc (1492) ÃÄdragons-inn (1435) ÃÄhomosexual (1436) ÃÄinternet ³ ÃÄservices (1441) ³ ÀÄaccess ³ ÀÄwanted (1442) ÃÄchinese ³ ÀÄtext (1448) ÃÄmfs (1449) ÃÄwolves (1450) ÃÄlucid-emacs ³ ÃÄhelp (1453) ³ ÀÄbug (1454) ÃÄinfo-fest ³ ÀÄin ³ ÀÄtuebingen (1457) ÃÄtimewasters (1459) ÃÄworld ³ ÀÄtaeis (1460) ÃÄnewbie (1461) ÃÄsuburbs (1462) ÃÄspleen (1463) ÃÄsmouldering ³ ÀÄdog ³ ÀÄzone (1465) ÃÄoobe (1471) ÃÄnewbies (1472) ÃÄvisa ³ ÀÄus (1480) ÃÄcellular (1481) ÃÄsuit ³ ÀÄatt-bsdi (1484) ÃÄco-evolution (1485) ÃÄwanted ³ ÃÄmoslem ³ ³ ÃÄwomen (1486) ³ ³ ÃÄmen (1487) ³ ³ ÀÄgay (1488) ³ ÀÄmars ³ ÀÄwomen (1490) ÃÄsupermodels (1491) ÃÄolymips ³ ÀÄmedal-tally (1497) ÃÄcable-tv ³ ÀÄre-regulate (1498) ÃÄlycra (1500) ÃÄelvis ³ ÀÄsighting (1501) ÃÄpeace ³ ÀÄcorps (1502) ÃÄzines (1503) ÃÄpeace-corps (1504) ÃÄfeminism (1508) ÃÄjob ³ ÀÄgooley (1510) ÃÄhurricane ³ ÀÄandrew (1511) ÃÄvampyres (1521) ÃÄbonsai (1524) ÃÄamateur-comp (1525) ÃÄcesium (1531) ÃÄnon ³ ÀÄsequitur (1535) ÃÄhindu (1544) ÃÄout-of-body (1549) ÃÄarchitecture (1552) ÃÄorg ³ ÀÄfood-not-bombs (1553) ÃÄclubs ³ ÀÄcompsci (1554) ÃÄmaterials ³ ÀÄsimulation (1556) ÃÄdiscordia (1560) ÃÄgeek (1561) ÃÄshowbiz (1562) ÃÄauthorware (1564) ÃÄisea (1565) ÃÄsustainable ³ ÀÄagriculture (1566) ÃÄnecromicon (1567) ÃÄ1d (1569) ÃÄshenanigans (1572) ÃÄinfo-theory (1573) ÃÄsect ³ ÀÄahmadiyya (1575) ÃÄnet ³ ÀÄpersonalities (1579) ÃÄtransgendered (1580) ÃÄinfo-science (1581) ÃÄpresident ³ ÀÄclinton (1587) ÃÄhypnosis (1588) ÃÄadoption (1592) ÃÄmagnus ³ ÀÄand ³ ÀÄketil (1593) ÃÄrevolution ³ ÀÄcounter (1600) ÃÄpsychology ³ ÀÄpersonality (1608) ÃÄhappy ³ ÀÄbirthday ³ ÀÄto ³ ÀÄme (1609) ÃÄdeath-of-superman (1610) ÃÄsuperman ³ ÀÄdead (1611) ÃÄcontrol-theory (1612) ÃÄhayco ³ ÃÄsucks ³ ³ ÀÄmud (1614) ³ ÀÄmud ³ ÀÄmud ³ ÀÄmud (1616) ÃÄql ³ ÀÄcreative (1618) ÃÄmagnus_and_ketil (1619) ÃÄabuse-recovery (1623) ÃÄemulators ³ ÀÄibmpc ³ ÀÄapple2 (1624) ÃÄshrinky ³ ÀÄdinks (1628) ÃÄpets ³ ÀÄchia (1634) ÃÄquotations (1635) ÃÄphilosophy ³ ÀÄobjectivism (1636) ÃÄwais (1638) ÃÄfrench ³ ÀÄcaptain ³ ÀÄborg ³ ÀÄborg ³ ÀÄborg (1935) ÃÄmed ³ ÀÄcfs (1938) ÃÄensign ³ ÀÄwesley ³ ÀÄdie ³ ÀÄdie ³ ÀÄdie (1954) ÃÄbitterness (1957) ÃÄgood ³ ÀÄnews (1961) ÃÄdestroy ³ ÀÄthe ³ ÀÄearth (1967) ÃÄbrother-jed (1970) ÃÄhotrod (1972) ÃÄaeffle ³ ÀÄund ³ ÀÄpferdle (1973) ÃÄmilitary ³ ÀÄcadet (2001) ÃÄbutt ³ ÀÄharp (2005) ÃÄgreat ³ ÀÄass ³ ÀÄpaulina (2006) ÃÄgrad-student ³ ÀÄtenured (2007) ÃÄfondle ³ ÀÄvomit (2012) ÃÄfna ³ ÀÄtna (2013) ÃÄis ³ ÀÄtoo (2014) ÃÄswedish ³ ÀÄchef ³ ÀÄbork ³ ÀÄbork ³ ÀÄbork (2017) ÃÄmy ³ ÀÄhead ³ ÀÄhurts (2019) ÃÄimploding ³ ÀÄkibo (2022) ÃÄbass (2032) ÃÄexploding ³ ÀÄkibo (2033) ÃÄanybody (2040) ÃÄdear ³ ÀÄwhitehouse (2045) ÃÄhalf ³ ÀÄoperating ³ ÀÄsystem ³ ÀÄdelay ³ ÀÄdelay ³ ÀÄdelay (2050) ÃÄlaw-enforcement (2051) ÃÄmisanthropy (2052) ÃÄnews ³ ÀÄmacedonia (2053) ÃÄonline-service (2054) ÃÄparanet ³ ÃÄparanormal (2055) ³ ÃÄskeptic (2056) ³ ÃÄufo (2084) ³ ÀÄscience (2095) ÃÄpave ³ ÀÄthe ³ ÀÄearth (2057) ÃÄsega ³ ÀÄgenesis (2060) ÃÄsuper ³ ÀÄnes (2063) ÃÄtoys ³ ÀÄlego (2064) ÃÄwedding (2069) ÃÄnetgames ³ ÀÄbolo (2081) ÃÄprophecies ³ ÀÄnostradamus (2091) ÀÄcollecting ÀÄautographs (2094) mail (2) comp ÃÄgraphics (230) ³ ÃÄavs (1148) ³ ÃÄdigest (231) ³ ÃÄvisualization (969) ³ ÃÄresearch (1100) ³ 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ÃÄprogrammer (928) ³ ³ ÃÄreviews (929) ³ ³ ÃÄintroduction (930) ³ ³ ÃÄaudio (931) ³ ³ ÃÄmarketplace (932) ³ ³ ÃÄapplications (933) ³ ³ ÃÄemulations (934) ³ ³ ÃÄadvocacy (935) ³ ³ ÃÄdatacomm (936) ³ ³ ÀÄtelecomm (1725) ³ ÃÄapollo (416) ³ ÃÄapple (419) ³ ÃÄapple2 (420) ³ ³ ÀÄgno (1869) ³ ÃÄatari ³ ³ ÃÄ8bit (421) ³ ³ ÀÄst (422) ³ ³ ÀÄtech (426) ³ ÃÄatt (427) ³ ÃÄcbm (428) ³ ÃÄcdc (431) ³ ÃÄcelerity (432) ³ ÃÄconcurrent (433) ³ ÃÄdec (435) ³ ³ ÀÄmicro (436) ³ ÃÄencore (437) ³ ÃÄhandhelds (439) ³ ÃÄhp (440) ³ ÃÄibm ³ ³ ÃÄpc (465) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄdigest (466) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄhardware (467) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄmisc (468) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄprogrammer (469) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄrt (470) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄgames (1748) ³ ³ ³ ÃÄsoundcard (1783) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄdemo (2086) ³ ³ ÀÄps2 (1754) ³ ³ ÀÄhardware (471) ³ ÃÄintel (472) ³ ³ ÀÄipsc310 (473) ³ ÃÄintergraph (474) ³ ÃÄisis (475) ³ ÃÄlaptops (476) ³ ÃÄm6809 (477) ³ ÃÄm68k (478) ³ ³ ÀÄpc (479) ³ ÃÄm88k (480) ³ ÃÄmac (481) ³ ³ ÃÄannounce (482) ³ ³ ÃÄapps (483) ³ ³ ÃÄcomm (484) ³ ³ ÃÄdigest (485) ³ ³ ÃÄgames (486) ³ ³ 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ÃÄtransputer (511) ³ ÃÄworkstation (512) ³ ÃÄxerox (513) ³ ÃÄzenith (514) ³ ³ ÀÄz100 (515) ³ ÃÄnovell (898) ³ ÃÄacorn (905) ³ ³ ÃÄadvocacy (1797) ³ ³ ÃÄannounce (1798) ³ ³ ÀÄtech (1799) ³ ÃÄ3b1 (961) ³ ÃÄhp48 (1026) ³ ³ ÀÄd (1027) ³ ÃÄpalmtops (1095) ³ ÃÄprime (1118) ³ ÃÄhandheld (1180) ³ ÃÄunisys (1229) ³ ÃÄpen (1235) ³ ÃÄmentor (1669) ³ ÃÄvms (1718) ³ ÃÄstratus (1870) ³ ÀÄconvex (1960) ÃÄterminals (516) ³ ÃÄbitgraph (517) ³ ÀÄtty5620 (518) ÃÄtext (519) ³ ÃÄdesktop (520) ³ ÃÄsgml (521) ³ ÃÄtex (522) ³ ÃÄframe (1149) ³ ÀÄinterleaf (1241) ÃÄtheory (523) ³ ÃÄcell-automata (524) ³ ÃÄdynamic-sys (525) ³ ÃÄinfo-retrieval (526) ³ ÀÄself-org-sys (527) ÃÄunix (528) ³ ÃÄadmin (529) ³ ÃÄaix (530) ³ ÃÄaux (531) ³ ÃÄcray (532) ³ ÃÄi386 (533) ³ ÃÄinternals (534) ³ ÃÄlarge (535) ³ ÃÄmicroport (536) ³ ÃÄmisc (537) ³ ÃÄmsdos (538) ³ ÃÄprogrammer (539) ³ ÃÄquestions (540) ³ ÃÄshell (541) ³ ÃÄsys286 (542) ³ ÃÄsysv386 (543) ³ ÃÄultrix (544) ³ ÃÄwizards (545) ³ ÃÄxenix (546) ³ ³ ÃÄmisc (547) ³ ³ ÀÄsco 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ÃÄspeech (1853) ÃÄnetworks ³ ÀÄnoctools ³ ÃÄannounce (1890) ³ ÃÄwanted (1891) ³ ÃÄtools (1892) ³ ÃÄsubmissions (1893) ³ ÃÄd (1894) ³ ÀÄbugs (1895) ÀÄdatabase ÀÄobject (2089) junk (599) misc ÃÄjobs ³ ÃÄoffered (1720) ³ ³ ÀÄentry (1802) ³ ÃÄcontract (610) ³ ÃÄmisc (611) ³ ÀÄresumes (613) ÃÄconsumers (600) ³ ÀÄhouse (601) ÃÄeducation (602) ÃÄemerg-services (603) ÃÄfitness (604) ÃÄforsale (605) ³ ÃÄcomputers (606) ³ ³ ÃÄd (1872) ³ ³ ÃÄmac (1873) ³ ³ ÃÄother (1874) ³ ³ ÃÄpc-clone (1875) ³ ³ ÀÄworkstation (1876) ³ ÀÄwanted (1942) ÃÄhandicap (607) ÃÄheadlines (608) ³ ÀÄunitex (1181) ÃÄinvest (609) ³ ÀÄreal-estate (1786) ÃÄkids (614) ÃÄlegal (615) ³ ÀÄcomputing (1186) ÃÄmisc (616) ÃÄrural (617) ÃÄsecurity (618) ÃÄtaxes (619) ÃÄtest (620) ÃÄwanted (621) ÃÄnews ³ ÃÄsouthasia (981) ³ ÀÄeast-europe ³ ÀÄrferl (1931) ÃÄentrepreneurs (1040) ÃÄactivism ³ ÀÄprogressive (1069) ÃÄwriting (1071) ÃÄbooks ³ ÀÄtechnical (1104) ÃÄint-property (1128) ÀÄhealth ÀÄalternative (1930) austin ÃÄforsale (143) ÃÄnews 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³ ÃÄcyber (1242) ³ ÃÄxtank ³ ³ ÃÄplay (1680) ³ ³ ÀÄprogrammer (1681) ³ ÃÄnetrek (1690) ³ ÃÄint-fiction (1840) ³ ÃÄabstract (1880) ³ ÃÄdiplomacy (1881) ³ ÀÄmecha (1912) ÃÄgardens (709) ÃÄguns (710) ÃÄham-radio (711) ³ ÃÄpacket (712) ³ ÀÄswap (713) ÃÄhumor (714) ³ ÃÄd (715) ³ ÃÄfunny (716) ³ ÃÄsspc (717) ³ ÀÄoracle (1673) ³ ÀÄd (1674) ÃÄmag (718) ³ ÃÄfsfnet (719) ³ ÀÄotherrealms (720) ÃÄmartial-arts (721) ÃÄmisc (722) ÃÄmodels ³ ÃÄrc (723) ³ ÃÄrockets (724) ³ ÃÄrailroad (1667) ³ ÀÄscale (1867) ÃÄmotorcycles (725) ³ ÃÄdirt (1655) ³ ÃÄracing (1656) ³ ÀÄharley (1825) ÃÄmusic ³ ÃÄbeatles (726) ³ ÃÄbluenote (727) ³ ÃÄcd (728) ³ ÃÄclassical (729) ³ ³ ÀÄguitar (1878) ³ ÃÄcountry ³ ³ ÀÄwestern (730) ³ ÃÄdementia (731) ³ ÃÄdylan (732) ³ ÃÄfolk (733) ³ ÃÄgaffa (734) ³ ÃÄgdead (735) ³ ÃÄmakers (736) ³ ³ ÃÄbass (1882) ³ ³ ÃÄguitar (1939) ³ ³ ³ ÀÄtablature (1883) ³ ³ ÃÄpercussion (1884) ³ ³ ÀÄsynth (1885) ³ ÃÄmisc (737) ³ ÃÄnewage (738) ³ ÃÄsynth (739) ³ ÃÄvideo (970) ³ ÃÄafro-latin (980) ³ 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ÃÄsources (643) ÃÄsysops (644) ÃÄtalk (645) ÃÄtest (646) ÀÄwanted (647) sci ÃÄaeronautics (1721) ³ ÀÄairliners (1887) ÃÄaquaria (769) ÃÄastro (770) ³ ÃÄhubble (1659) ³ ÀÄfits (1684) ÃÄbio (771) ³ ÀÄtechnology (772) ÃÄchem (773) ³ ÀÄorganomet (1925) ÃÄcrypt (774) ÃÄecon (775) ÃÄedu (776) ÃÄelectronics (777) ÃÄenergy (778) ÃÄenvironment (779) ÃÄgeo ³ ÃÄfluids (780) ³ ÃÄgeology (1723) ³ ÃÄmeteorology (1023) ³ ÀÄfluid (1722) ÃÄlang (781) ³ ÀÄjapan (782) ÃÄlogic (783) ÃÄmath (784) ³ ÃÄnum-analysis (785) ³ ÃÄstat (786) ³ ÃÄsymbolic (787) ³ ÀÄresearch (1123) ÃÄmed (788) ³ ÃÄaids (789) ³ ÃÄphysics (790) ³ ÃÄoccupational (1818) ³ ÃÄnutrition (1827) ³ ÃÄdentistry (2003) ³ ÀÄtelemedicine (2093) ÃÄmilitary (791) ÃÄmisc (792) ÃÄnanotech (793) ÃÄphilosophy (1182) ³ ÃÄmeta (794) ³ ÀÄtech (795) ÃÄphysics (796) ³ ÃÄfusion (797) ³ ÀÄresearch (2031) ÃÄpsychology (798) ³ ÀÄdigest (799) ÃÄresearch (800) ³ ÀÄcareers (1940) ÃÄskeptic (801) ÃÄspace (802) ³ ÃÄshuttle (803) ³ ÀÄnews (1234) ÃÄvirtual-worlds 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ÃÄbangladesh (908) ³ ÃÄlebanon (910) ³ ÃÄfilipino (913) ³ ÃÄmagyar (985) ³ ÃÄsoviet (1005) ³ ÃÄcanada (1009) ³ ÃÄyugoslavia (1010) ³ ÃÄnew-zealand (1024) ³ ÃÄthai (1030) ³ ÃÄeurope (1041) ³ ÃÄspain (1058) ³ ÃÄitalian (1083) ³ ÃÄportuguese (1129) ³ ÃÄmexican (1132) ³ ÃÄusa (1150) ³ ÃÄafghanistan (1217) ³ ÃÄcaribbean (1218) ³ ÃÄbrazil (1233) ³ ÃÄbulgaria (1243) ³ ÃÄnetherlands (1244) ³ ÃÄromanian (1245) ³ ÃÄcis (1661) ³ ÃÄaustralia (1724) ³ ÃÄczecho-slovak (1793) ³ ÃÄtamil (1795) ³ ÃÄbosna-herzgvna (1832) ³ ÃÄcroatia (1913) ³ ÃÄaustralian (1950) ³ ÃÄsingapore (1953) ³ ÃÄbaltics (2034) ³ ÃÄmalaysia (2036) ³ ÀÄnative (2077) ÃÄfeminism (835) ÃÄhistory (836) ÃÄmen (837) ÃÄmisc (838) ÃÄmotss (839) ÃÄnet-people (840) ÃÄpolitics (841) ³ ÀÄarms-d (842) ÃÄreligion ³ ÃÄchristian (843) ³ ³ ÀÄbible-study (2078) ³ ÃÄeastern (844) ³ ÃÄislam (845) ³ ÃÄbahai (1731) ³ ÀÄquaker (1879) ÃÄrights ³ ÃÄalien (846) ³ ÀÄhuman (847) ÃÄroots (848) ÃÄsingles (849) ³ ÀÄnice (850) ÃÄwomen (851) ÃÄveterans (1042) ÃÄbi (1168) ÃÄhuman-nets (1183) ÃÄlibraries ³ ÀÄtalk (1702) ÀÄpenpals (1941) talk (1726) ÃÄabortion (852) ÃÄbizarre (853) ÃÄenvironment (854) ÃÄorigins (855) ÃÄphilosophy ³ ÀÄmisc (856) ÃÄpolitics ³ ÃÄguns (857) ³ ÃÄmideast (858) ³ ÃÄmisc (859) ³ ÃÄsoviet (860) ³ ÃÄtheory (861) ³ ÃÄdrugs (886) ³ ÃÄspace (1107) ³ ÃÄanimals (1226) ³ ÃÄcis (1660) ³ ÃÄchina (1790) ³ ÀÄmedicine (1899) ÃÄrape (862) ÃÄreligion ³ ÃÄmisc (863) ³ ÀÄnewage (864) ÀÄrumors (865) trial ÃÄmisc ³ ÀÄlegal ³ ÀÄsoftware (866) ÃÄnewgroups (867) ÃÄrec ³ ÀÄmetalworking (868) ÀÄtest (869) tx ÃÄflame (870) ÃÄgeneral (871) ÃÄjobs (872) ÃÄnews (873) ³ ÀÄstats (1120) ÃÄpolitics (874) ÃÄwanted (875) ÃÄmaps (974) ÃÄmotorcycles (1102) ÃÄtest (1676) ÀÄforsale (1715) uk ÀÄmisc (876) unix-pc ÃÄbugs (877) ÃÄgeneral (878) ÃÄsources (879) ÀÄtest (880) cos ÀÄculture ÀÄaustralian (885) vmsnet ÃÄannounce (940) ³ ÀÄnewusers (942) ÃÄtcp ³ ÀÄmultinet (941) ÃÄmail (943) ³ ÃÄpmdf (944) ³ ÃÄmx (993) ³ ÀÄmisc (994) ÃÄmisc (945) ÃÄsources (946) ³ ÃÄd 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(2035) gen ÀÄnativenet (2074)