{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} {} {} {} {} The Commando Series Part 1 {} {} {} {} Pranks {} {} Written by: {} {} Elliot Ness {} {} and {} {} The Untouchable {} {} {} {} {} {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ** Disclaimer ** This file is strickly intended for entertainment purposes only. We in no way condone these actions or ideas in any way, shape, or form. We are not responsible for any damages caused by this file. This goes for all and any of the files that we produce in this series. Simple Pranks ------------- The following ideas are basic ones that everyone should have the balls to do. If you really hate someone, take a bunch of tacks and some fishing line and go to there house at night (or day if your really gutsy). Take the tacks and push them into the door molding. Then string the fishing line around the tacks in any way you like. Then stop by there house in the morning and watch them try to leave the house. Find a nice quiet road in your neighborhood in which only one or two cars come by every half-hour. Find two mail boxes or light control boxes that are across the road from each other. Take two tin cans (big ones) and some fishing line and put holes in the cans near the top. Tie the line through the cans and put one on one mail box and the other on the other mail box. Leave enough string to hang about fender level on the car. Then watch your surprise as a car comes by. Of course theres the old trick where you put dog shit in a bag, light it on fire, and leave it one someones porch and ring the doorbell. For a new twist, do the above, run to the back door and have a friend tell you when the person stomps the fire out. Then ring the back doorbell and make the asshole walk through the house with dog shit on his shoes. Also, take some heavy duty rope or sturdy rope that can stay together when two people tug on it. Find two houses whose front doors are right across from each other. Tie the rope to one door, run it across the street and tie it to the other door. Then have a friend ring one doorbell while ring the other doorbell. Get far enough away and watch a tug-of-war between two neighbors. School Pranks ------------- Try this during a lab when you have to use a Bunsen Burner. Hold a quarter or half-dollar over the burner near the end of the period and then toss it into the hall when the bell rings. Somebody will learn real quickly not to pick up things off the ground. If there is some asshole in school that you really do not like then go to his locker with a tube of crazy glue. Now it all depends on what you want to do you can either put glue in the keyhole of his lock, if he has a key lock, or you can glue the dial of his lock if he has a combination lock. Or you can glue the u-bar of the lock in place. Now if you really feel like taking a little time then you can get a rubber and pull it around his lock. Watch and see if he even touches it. There is this stuff called 'skunk' what it basically is is some real smelly powder that smells real bad and covers a BIG area. You can pick this stuff up at any hunting shop. Now, find a car with a open window, slit the bag and wip the powder into the car and leave. You can also do this to the teacher that is a major pain in the ass. Just dump it in his room and stay clear for about a week. Dump this stuff through the slots in the locker of the asshole that you hate. Bathroom Pranks --------------- To get revenge on some dork you hate, have someone go to his house and sleep over there. Give him some Saran Wrap and tell him to place it on the toilet under the two lids. Make sure that it covers the half of the toilet near the seat hinges because thats where most guys aim to take a leek. Then wait to hear the report about what happened from your friend. Go to any bathroom with a tube of Ben Gay or a bottle of Atomic Foam. I recommened Atomic Foam. Spread it all over the toilet seat and leave. You probably won't be able to see the results of your prank but you should know what it will do. You can also use toothpaste to make the seat slippery. The obvious is to flush Cherry bombs down the toilets to wreck the pluming. Well thats about it for now. If you want to see more files, please leave E-mail to Elliot Ness at The Inner Sanctum or The Superbird thanx. Call these great boards! ______________________________________________________________________________ | | | The Inner Sanctum AE:TAC...300/1200: 24 hrs/7 days/20 megs: 312/985-2817 | | The SuperBird AE:TAC.......300 baud: 24 hrs/7 days/5 drives: 312/935-4101 | | Middle Earth BBS/AE........300 baud: 24 hrs/7 days/10 megs: 312/531-9033 | | NSC Connection BBS.........300 baud: 24 hrs/7 days/3 subs: 312/498-1809 | |____________________________________________________________________________| Watch for future files in the Commando Series!