NEW MONSTER ----------- laughter (necro-histericus homocidal) ------------------------------------- fre:rare # of ap:1-12 ac:6 move:9" hit dice:4 % in lair:50% tt:p # of at:1 damage/attack:2-8 sa:see below sd:see below mr:see below int.:average al:evil(possesed) size:average pa:nil the laughter is an undead sort of possesion.some times a man is killed,while being in an insane phase of mind.that person is slayed,and in that prosses laughs horridly.after that he dies (quite normaly),but his laughter released an evil spirit,that will travel to all four winds,untill it finds the nearest cemetery around,(in radius) and settles in it. a cemetery that has this laugh ter spirit in it,is possesed with all its dead and at all nights of full moon and cloudy weather (a deceiving and weird atmosphere) sounds of laughter come from the cemetery as all of its dead raise to stalk the nearby towns and settlements.each of the spirits take a differant direction,each with the thirst for kill. the laughters then haunt by night and hide by day,until the next full moon and then will fall to the ground as dead as ever. while predating the laughters use thheir powerful fist,that delivers 2-8 points of damage,and their laughter(which they laugh whenever they see a humanoid approaching.the laughter does not take a round of attack,and causes confusion -2 save to all who hear this laugh.)the possesed undead are immune to charm hold and sleep spells,and are also immune to cold fear and poison and parazysis. \/ --- INVENTED AND WRITTEN BY YIGAL ROITMAN ---